4,500 year-old skeleton found in Germany in grave ‘lovingly bordered with field stones’

4,500 year-old skeleton found in German countryside grave ‘lovingly bordered with field stones,’ offering new insight on ancient burial practices Archeologists in the German countryside discovered a 4,500 year-old gravesite It contained the remains of a woman buried in a north facing fetal position The positioning is similar to that found in other sites across … Read more

Skeleton of a 300,000-year-old elephant with 8ft tusks is unearthed in Germany

An almost complete 300,000-year-old elephant skeleton with eight-foot tusks has been recovered from a former mine in Germany. The Eurasian straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, died by the shores of an ancient lake before its corpse was scavenged by carnivores. Human ancestors are thought to have eaten from the carcass, as 30 small flint flakes and … Read more

FDA approves osteoporosis shot that rebuilds bones at the same rate a teenager’s skeleton grows 

A new osteoporosis drug that can re-grow older women’s bones as fast as a teenager’s develop was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday.  An estimated half of women in the US will break a bone due to the devastating bone-loss disease that turns limbs brittle.  They are more at-risk than men … Read more

Why a healthy skeleton is a key defence against illness

We know our bones stop us from flopping about like jellyfish, and that breaking them hurts. But now investigators are discovering how bones do far more than hold us up. Emerging studies show that our skeletons play key roles in producing a hormone that drives our fight-or-flight instincts, helps control our appetite, determines our risk … Read more