Mystery as 11 elephants found dead in Zimbabwe: Poaching ruled out as animals all retained tusks

Mystery as 11 elephants are found dead in Zimbabwe: Poaching ruled out as animals all retained their tusks The carcasses were discovered in Pandamasue Forest in the west of the country Cyanide poisoning has also been ruled out as a cause of the elephants’ deaths  Blood samples have been taken to a laboratory to determine what … Read more

Stunning photos reveal skulls and tusks of dozens of mammoths

Excavations in Mexico have revealed a graveyard of almost 70 fossilised mammoths. Stunning images from the site reveal the bright white skulls and tusks of the prehistoric giants. Fossilised remains of the now extinct cousin of the elephant were first discovered in 2019 during routine digs to clear land for a new airport. Ongoing work … Read more

Skeleton of a 300,000-year-old elephant with 8ft tusks is unearthed in Germany

An almost complete 300,000-year-old elephant skeleton with eight-foot tusks has been recovered from a former mine in Germany. The Eurasian straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, died by the shores of an ancient lake before its corpse was scavenged by carnivores. Human ancestors are thought to have eaten from the carcass, as 30 small flint flakes and … Read more