Skeleton of a 300,000-year-old elephant with 8ft tusks is unearthed in Germany

An almost complete 300,000-year-old elephant skeleton with eight-foot tusks has been recovered from a former mine in Germany. The Eurasian straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, died by the shores of an ancient lake before its corpse was scavenged by carnivores. Human ancestors are thought to have eaten from the carcass, as 30 small flint flakes and … Read more

300,000-year-old hunting sticks found in Germany

Primitive 300,000-year-old throwing stick discovered in Germany was used by early human ancestors to hunt waterbirds and horses during the Ice Age  Homo heidelbergensis used the wooden weapons to hunt waterbirds and horses  The stick made out of spruce could reach speeds of nearly 100 feet per second  The ancient weapon spun powerfully around a centre … Read more