Prince Andrew allegedly gave ‘nod and a wink’ hinting the Queen would discourage Scots independence

Fury over claims the Queen was part of plot to discourage Scots from voting for independence as ex newspaper editor reveals Prince Andrew hinted that she would intervene days before 2014 referendum Former Financial Times editor Lionel Barber says he met Prince Andrew in 2014 Andrew allegedly made ‘amazing’ remarks on how the Queen would … Read more

Obama: Trump aims to ‘kneecap Post Office’ to discourage voters

Barack Obama slammed President Donald Trump for trying to ‘actively kneecap’ the postal service to disenfranchise voters. Obama did not say Trump’s name but did refer to the ‘president’ in his interview on the podcast of David Plouffe, his former campaign manager, in some of his harshest, direct criticism of Trump to date. ‘What we’ve seen … Read more

Barack Obama accuses Donald Trump of trying ‘kneecap the Post Office’ to discourage voting

Barack Obama slammed President Donald Trump for trying to ‘actively kneecap’ the postal service to disenfranchise voters. Obama did not say Trump’s name but did refer to the ‘president’ in his interview on the podcast of David Plouffe, his former campaign manager, in some of his harshest, direct criticism of Trump to date. ‘What we’ve seen … Read more

CDC breaks silence to issue group safety guidelines but does not discourage crowds

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) punted on questions about increasing coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in reopened states, claiming worrisome rises could be due to ‘increased testing’ during a Friday press briefing.  CDC director Dr Robert Redfield and deputy director Dr Jay Butler addressed the press in the first telebriefing since the … Read more

Police dump black dye in a blue lagoon to discourage Instagram selfies

Police have dumped black dye into a picturesque blue lagoon in the Peak District to stop Instagrammers posing for snaps during the coronavirus lockdown. Derbyshire Police, who last week tracked dog walkers and ramblers through the hillsides with drones, had been informed that people were continuing to congregate beside the water near Harpur Hill, Buxton. … Read more