Get fit in 15 minutes: The best nutrition and exercise to improve your calves

Get fit in 15 minutes: The best nutrition and exercise to improve your calves

  • Personal trainer Nadya Fairweather says try lunges with heel lifts to tone calves
  • Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson recommends eating bison, eggs and grilled chicken
  • Here, FEMAIL has also picked out the latest sports clothes to get you in shape


To tone your calves, try lunges with heel lifts, says celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather (

Step back into a lunge position, with your right leg bending your back knee, keeping your back straight.

Lift and lower the heel of the front foot off the floor. Pulse it with control. Go for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds to switch legs. Repeat 20 seconds on the left leg, then a ten second rest with time to switch. Do eight rounds of 20 on, ten off (four on each leg). 

To tone your calves, try lunges with heel lifts, says celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather


For sculpted calf muscles, nutritionist Shona Wilkinson ( recommends trying the following foods.

Have you tried bison burger? Bison gives us a high dose of protein which is vital for firm calves. But it has half the fat of beef. Give it a go!

Eggs are a good source of protein for strong muscles. Don’t opt for an egg white omelette — make sure you get the yolk as well for even more nutrient intake.

Grilled chicken is a great choice for a hit of protein, too, without the fat of red meat. Grill a batch and keep in the fridge for a handy snack.