Who’ll find love on our blind date? This week it’s Annie, 59 and Bob, 64

Annie, 59, (pictured) has been single for 11 years and has no children  ANNIE, 59 Dating Past? I was married in my mid-30s for eight years. As for dating in 2020, I honestly couldn’t be bothered. The online merry-go-round stresses me out, so I was happy to leave it. I’m self-sufficient anyway, so unless someone … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Charlie, 30, and Chris, 41

Charlie, 30, has never had a serious relationship CHARLIE, 30 Dating Past I’ve dipped in and out of the dating pool, but I’ve never had a serious relationship. I’m a hopeless romantic and won’t settle for less than perfect. Some of the dates I’ve been on have been terrible. One guy invited me over for … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Karis, 33 and Danny, 36

Karis, 33, (pictured) has been single for 18 months and has no children KARIS, 33 Dating Past I had a few short-term partners in my early 20s, followed by a seven-year relationship. We were married for three years, but separated 18 months ago as we didn’t want the same things. I’ve been working out what … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Helen, 38 and Alex, 36,

Helen, 38, (pictured) has been single for a year and has no children  HELEN, 38  DATING PAST? I’ve had a few long- term partners and lived with one ex. I know some singletons think they’ve lost a year of dating due to the pandemic, but I’ve enjoyed going on virtual dates and socially distanced walks; … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Joanna, 31, and Dan, 31

Joanna, 31, (pictured) is a solutions architect and has been single for three months VITAL STATISTICS  Single for three months, no children. Current role: Solutions architect Would like to meet: Someone who wants a family in the future and is sporty, caring and honest.  I’m not interested in a man who just wants a bit of … Read more

Super Bowl LV: Who’ll come out on top as Tom Brady’s Tampa Bay Bucs take on Patrick Mahomes’ Chiefs?

There is so much at stake at the Super Bowl. For Patrick Mahomes it’s a chance to become the 13th quarterback to win multiple Super Bowl titles. If he does so, the narrative will quickly shift to the chances of the Chiefs becoming the first team to win three in a row. Tom Brady can … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Helen, 43 and Paula, 39,

Helen, 43, (pictured) who has been separated for two years is a business coach  HELEN, 43,  Dating past? I was with my ex-husband for almost a decade. We got married in 2012, and since we split two years ago, I’ve eased myself back into dating both men and women. Vital Statistics Separated for two years, … Read more

Who’ll find love on our virtual date? This week it’s Yvette, 30, and Ali, 35

Yvette, 30, (pictured) is an education charity worker YVETTE, 30  Dating Past? The longest relationship I’ve had lasted for four months. I’ve never been in love and I think my friends, who are all settled down, worry about me. But the truth is I’d prefer to be on my own than with the wrong person. … Read more

Bullying bailiffs who’ll seize YOUR car for another driver’s fine

Not moving: Colin Myler in front of the car a bailiff tried to tow away Are you expecting a delivery?’ I asked my wife as I heard a vehicle pulling on to our drive. ‘Maybe,’ she replied, bearing in mind she’s always ordering from Amazon. I was cutting logs in the back garden and headed … Read more

Who’ll find love on our blind date? This week it’s Lucy, 32, and Christian, 30

Lucy, 32, (pictured) has been single for three years and has no children LUCY, 32 DATING PAST I was with my last boyfriend for four years — we even bought a house together. It was a difficult break-up. I think I’m single because my attitude is too casual. PRE-DATE NERVES?  I was really nervous, but … Read more