Coronavirus UK: A fifth of UK firms could shut within four weeks

Britain’s ‘greedy’ banks are threatening the future of up to a million firms who say they will go bust after being denied access to the Government’s emergency loan scheme set up to bail them out because of coronavirus.   Victims have told MailOnline the Treasury’s ‘approved’ lenders are ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis and offering interest rates … Read more

Working 9 to 5! Internet traffic in the UK has almost DOUBLED in three weeks

Working 9 to 5! Internet traffic in the UK has almost DOUBLED in three weeks thanks to people working from home and youngsters not going to school during coronavirus lockdown On March 30 the consumption of data in the UK on Openreach was 51Petabytes   Exactly three weeks prior this figure was 27Pb and spiked following lockdown  … Read more

Nearly a FIFTH of UK firms could shut within four weeks

Nearly a fifth of small British businesses could be forced to close in the next four weeks after running out of cash amid complaints the government-backed loan scheme was ‘not accessible’.  Many bosses said banks had refused them an emergency loan for not meeting the criteria while others could not get through on the phone … Read more

Coronavirus was considered a ‘moderate risk’ to the British public FIVE weeks ago

The deadly coronavirus was deemed a ‘moderate risk’ to Britain by top scientists five weeks ago, it has been revealed.  A Public Health England committee met on February 21 to discuss the threat level of COVID-19 in the UK, the Times reported. Minutes from that meeting show how scientists and Whitehall observers raised ‘no objections’ … Read more

ASK TONY: We waited two weeks for Morrisons order, then RBS blocked it

My wife and I received a message from our bank saying there had been an ‘unusual’ request for payment on our account and it had declined to pay it.  The payment was to Morrisons for a home delivery which we had waited for more than two weeks to receive.  Presumably Morrisons put our items back … Read more

Andy Cohen reunites with his son after TWO WEEKS apart due to coronavirus

Andy Cohen is back with his son Benjamin, aged one, after nearly two weeks apart. The Watch What Happens Live talk show host was in isolation after suffering from COVID-19. On Monday the 51-year-old shared a photo with his boy as he joked in the caption, ‘I’ve hosted reunions for years, but yesterday’s was the … Read more

A third of all mortgage deals are pulled in three weeks as coronavirus grips the market

Banks and building societies pull a THIRD of all mortgage deals in just three weeks as worry over coronavirus grips the market There are 30 per cent fewer mortgages on offer then just three weeks ago  Nationwide, Halifax and Barclays have all pulled higher loan-to-value deals  Experts worry a lack of competition may mean mortgage … Read more

Susanna Reid RETURNS to the Good Morning Britain studio after two weeks in self-isolation

Susanna Reid has returned to the Good Morning Britain studio with Piers Morgan after spending two weeks in self-isolation. The presenter, 49, reunited with Piers Morgan in the London studio after being forced to isolate when one of her sons developed mild symptoms of coronavirus. At the start of the show, Susanna told Piers she … Read more

New York set to reach peak of coronavirus cases in two weeks

New York could reach its peak of new coronavirus cases within the next seven to 10 days, experts say, as the number of hospital ER visits starts to decrease and official data raises hopes that the city could soon start ‘turning the corner’.   New York City saw 138 deaths from the virus on Monday, an increase … Read more

Three elderly Jewish people die of coronavirus two weeks after attending bar mitzvah

Three elderly Jewish people die of coronavirus two weeks after attending bar mitzvah ceremony – as religious leaders warn ‘close-knit’ communities put Jews at greater risk of infection Event happened two weeks ago before official restrictions on social gatherings  Victims were all in their 80s – a husband and wife and an unrelated guest  It … Read more