Two-thirds of adults struggled to avoid piling on the pounds

Why we got fatter during lockdown: Two-thirds of adults struggled to avoid piling on the pounds because boredom and stress triggered comfort eating, study suggests Two-thirds of adults struggled to keep their weight down during the lockdown Britons found it more difficult to get to the shops for healthy foods and more   Being at home … Read more

You can save hundreds of pounds by swapping trendy resorts with areas just as nice a few miles away

Slash cost of your staycation by switching to a spot nearby: How you can save hundreds of pounds by swapping trendy resorts with areas just as nice only a few miles away The figures come from a survey by Which? and throw a lifeline to those denied a foreign holiday this year  The biggest saving … Read more

NASA’s satellite weighing over 1,000 POUNDS set to fall into the South Pacific this weekend

NASA’s 56-year-old satellite that weighs more than 1,000 POUNDS is set to fall into the South Pacific this weekend – but experts say it will burn up before hitting the ocean One of NASA’s satellites is set to fall back to Earth on Saturday at 5:01pm ET Orbiting Geophysical Observatory 1 has been in space … Read more

Monster-sized snapping turtle weighing 100 POUNDS is pulled from a river in Florida

Wildlife conservationists in Florida stumbled across an enormous species of turtle that looks like it crawled out of a monster movie. Biologists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission captured three Suwannee alligator snapping turtles last week, including one that weighed 100 pounds. The massive reptiles, known formally as Macrochelys suwanniensis, are a new … Read more

Victims of bank scams left thousands of pounds out of pocket as firms wriggle out of paying refunds

Blameless victims of sophisticated bank scams are being left thousands of pounds out of pocket because of a refund ‘lottery’. Under rules which were introduced in May last year, banks are meant to refund fraud victims who have taken reasonable care to protect themselves. Yet firms continue to wriggle out of paying refunds and treat … Read more

London’s millionaire boy racers: Rich owner’s parade supercars worth hundreds of thousands of pounds

London’s millionaire boy racers: Rich owners parade supercars worth hundreds of thousands of pounds through upmarket street in the capital – but police are called after well-heeled locals complain about noise Those living on Sloane Street in Kensington last night called the police after expensive supercars gathered A Lamborghini, Porsche, and high power BMWs were … Read more

Half of Britons have piled on the pounds during coronavirus lockdown

Half of Britons have piled on the pounds during coronavirus lockdown… as research shows chocolate and biscuits were our go-to snack A survey by Weight Watchers found people have good intentions post-lockdown Some 42 per cent said disruption to their daily routine has led to weight gain Chocolate and biscuits are nation’s go-to snacks during … Read more

Two-thirds of Britons have piled on the pounds during lockdown

Two in three Britons admit they have piled on the pounds during the two-month coronavirus lockdown – putting them more at risk of the viral disease. A third of the population has gained half a stone or more in the eight weeks since all but essential travel was banned and exercise was limited. According to … Read more

NHS diabetes chief warns of the danger of piling on ‘life changing’ lockdown pounds

NHS diabetes chief warns of the danger of piling on ‘life changing’ lockdown pounds as he fears many Britons have gained weight while stuck indoors Professor Jonathan Valabhji has warned of negative health effects of lockdown He warned that adults were burning fewer calories with fewer daily activities But added that the pandemic was an … Read more

Councils are accused of hoarding MILLIONS of pounds of funding

Councils are accused of hoarding MILLIONS of pounds of funding meant to help care homes cope with coronavirus crisis Councils accused of hoarding money meant to help care homes cope with virus Professor Martin Green said that councils were given £3.2billion for social care The chief executive of Care England said many homes have not … Read more