How losing weight could be key to surviving Covid-19

The latest evidence is that most people have no risk of dying from Covid-19. However, the bad news is the virus probably won’t be eliminated by the lockdown. Doctors are now saying the findings so far suggest there’s more we can all do to reduce the risk of Covid-19 causing us serious illness. The latest … Read more

Prince Philip thanks key workers for ensuring ‘life continues’ under lockdown

Prince Philip thanks key workers for ensuring ‘life continues’ under lockdown in first statement since retiring… just hours after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their refusal to talk to UK press The Duke of Edinburgh has thanked key workers for ensuring that ‘the infrastructure of our life continues’ Prince Philip, 98, said he wanted … Read more

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

Chinese leaders covered up their knowledge of a possible coronavirus pandemic for six days after realising the grim situation, it has been revealed.  Beijing’s top officials secretly determined that they were likely dealing with a major health crisis on January 14, evidence suggested, but President Xi only warned the public of the emergency on January 20.   … Read more

TfL tells key worker his snap of packed Tube will be ‘included in daily feedback’

Key workers have today warned that the London Underground is still dangerously packed and putting lives at risk – but have been told by Transport for London that their concerns ‘will be noted in feedback’. Posting a number of pictures showing carriages in London packed with passengers, workers this morning have starkly warned that ‘TfL … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Police accused of stopping NHS key workers

Hospital staff claim police told them their NHS IDs were NOT proof of essential travel after being stopped on the way to work ‘Small number’ of staff at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge were stopped They showed their NHS ID to police when asked on the way to and from work  Cambridgeshire Constabulary have ‘reminded officers’ … Read more

From dentist bills to holidays: Your key coronavirus questions answered

Can my employer force me to take holiday now? Will I still have to pay for a holiday abroad even though I can’t travel? And why am I continuing to pay my dentist every month when they’re shut?  These are just some of the issues readers have raised in recent days as the country remains … Read more

Has Boris’s guru found the key to getting economy out of lockdown?

Boris Johnson’s former economic adviser is set to hand Cabinet Ministers a detailed plan to safely reboot Britain’s economy, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Gerard Lyons, a highly respected economist who was in the running to become Bank of England Governor, will lay out how shops could reopen within weeks under strict social distancing … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Clap for carers salutes NHS and key workers

Millions of Brits all over the country took to their doorsteps to clap for NHS staff and key workers this evening, for the third Thursday in a row amid the coronavirus outbreak.   People all over the country showed their appreciation for key workers continuing to work during the outbreak and lockdown.  For the past two … Read more

Katie Price and son Harvey clap enthusiastically to thank the NHS, police and key workers

Katie Price joined a slew of celebrities sharing their gratitude for the NHS by taking part in a clap on Thursday. The former glamour model, 41, took to Instagram to share a video with her eldest son Harvey, 17, as they clapped to thank those who are working on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis. … Read more

Furious key workers rage at Sadiq Khan over busy Tubes

Commuters shared photos of busy London Underground services again this morning despite the coronavirus lockdown.  Only key workers and those who are unable to work at home are meant to use the Tube, leading to millions staying away. But cuts to services has seen some people squeezed into confined carriages, further risking the spread of … Read more