Piers Morgan blames Democrats and Joe Biden for close election race

‘We were told this was going to be a landslide!’ Piers Morgan blames the Democrats and Joe Biden’s lacklustre campaign for closer than predicted presidential race The Democratic candidate failed to flip crucial toss-up states such as Florida  Both Biden and Donald Trump claimed they are surging towards 270 colleges  Yet Morgan said it was … Read more

US Election 2020: Vote count could last until FRIDAY

The outcome of the presidential race may not be known until the end of the week as several critical battleground states need more time to count the high number of mail-in ballots in the election.  Officials in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan warned results are not coming in their states on Tuesday night, adding to the … Read more

Sunrise stars David Koch and Natalie Barr wear BLUE on US election day

Sunrise has mysteriously changed the colours of the show to blue – the colours of the Democratic Party – for its special U.S. election coverage on Wednesday.  And while reporting from the White House, newsreader Natalie Barr wore a light blue coat.  Back in the studio in Sydney, David ‘Kochie’ Koch chose to wear a … Read more

Glenn Close dresses up as Joe Biden in photos to support Democrats

Glenn Close dresses up as Joe Biden in series of election day Instagram snaps as she cheers on the Democratic ticket By Rachel Mcgrath For Dailymail.com Published: 00:12 GMT, 4 November 2020 | Updated: 00:22 GMT, 4 November 2020 She’s been nominated for an Oscar seven times during her more than four decade-long Hollywood career. … Read more

US Election 2020: Newspaper front pages from around the world

The world is watching: How newspaper front pages from around the globe are reacting to US election day By Jennifer Smith For Dailymail.com Published: 15:37 GMT, 3 November 2020 | Updated: 16:23 GMT, 3 November 2020 The world is watching with baited breath on Tuesday as Americans head to the polls to decide the outcome … Read more

Trump says decision on Pennsylvania ballots will ‘lead to violence’

President Donald Trump issued a dark election eve prediction about a Supreme Court ruling that could cost him votes in Pennsylvania – claiming it will lead to ‘violence in the streets.’ The president made the claim in a tweet Monday, just hours before the first in-person election day votes were to be cast, after suffering … Read more

Donald Trump praises family in last rally of campaign in Michigan

President Donald Trump wrapped up his pitch for a second term in the White House in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with his adult children at his side. ‘I think we’re going to win everything. I think tomorrow is going to be one of the greatest wins in the history,’ he predicted. ‘This is not the crowd … Read more

US Election 2020: Hour-by-hour guide on what to watch and when

Election night 2020 is unlike any American has seen before – with the presidency in the balance, and a record number of votes being counted in the teeth of the COVID pandemic. Once polls close, the potential for chaos and crisis only begins. Here is DailyMail.com’s hour by hour guide to what to look out … Read more

Biden secures first Election Day victory while Trump takes second in two New Hampshire towns

Joe Biden secured the first Election Day victory while Trump took the second as two tiny New Hampshire towns with a combined population of 26 announced the first US results just after midnight.  Dixville Notch posted its final tally – with all five votes going to Biden – on a handwritten poster board at 12.03am … Read more

Pollster who predicted 2016 result gives Trump lead in swing states

As most major national polls show Joe Biden with a commanding lead over Donald Trump going into Election Day, a small group of pollsters have cautioned that ‘shy’ Trump voters could pave the president’s way to victory.    Among those suggesting that the Trump’s prospects are being understated is Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group, one … Read more