Esther Rantzen and Bel Mooney debate whether the over-70s should have to keep self-isolating

Should over-70s keep self-isolating? Two powerful voices, two opposing views: Yes: It shows Britain cares and is trying to protect us – Esther Rantzen, 79  When it comes to attacking ageism, and defending older people’s rights, I defy anyone to have a record more militant than mine. I can’t understand why the over-70s are complaining … Read more

Game of Thrones blunder: Fans spot error in key Tyrion Lannister and Cersei debate | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV

During this exchange, however, fans noted that Tyrion did the same action twice within a few seconds – breaking continuity. Speaking out on Movie Mistakes, a fan wrote: “In the scene where Tyrion and Cersei are talking about sending Joffrey to the battlefield, Tyrion removes his cloth napkin from his shirt twice.” Upon rewatching the … Read more

Piers Morgan: GMB presenter cleared by Ofcom following MP debate complaints | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV

A statement from Ofcom, via BBC, said: “His guests were given adequate opportunity to put their points across and counter the presenter’s criticisms. “In Ofcom’s view, in line with freedom of expression, it is clearly in the public interest that broadcasters are able to hold those making political decisions to account, “Particularly during a major … Read more

Piers Morgan rips into health minister for laughing in Covid-19 debate: ‘It’s not funny!’ | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV

“Our scientists have been outliers in many ways throughout this crisis; a later lockdown and so on. “So we have to get into how good our science is and that will be determined by how many people are dying.” Morgan continued: “If it turns out we have the second worst record in the world, it … Read more

Mick Jagger hits back in The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones debate

Mick Jagger has got beef with Paul McCartney (Picture: Rex) Mick Jagger has called out fellow overlord of music, Paul McCartney, for claiming The Beatles were ‘better’ than The Rolling Stones. Paul played with fire last week when he suggested the Stones would copy whatever the Beatles – made up of John Lennon, Ringo Starr … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: Coping with lockdown… Rule 1 – Step away from the fridge! 

Top U.S. Mindfulness guru Ann Ziety is the author of Just Relax (2018) and I Said, Just Relax, Weren’t You Listening?'(2019).  Here is our first extract from her forthcoming bestseller, Coping With Lockdown. 07.00am: Grab a pen and paper and copy out this handy timetable for Getting Through The Day. 07.12am: So these past 12 … Read more

Matt Hancock is steering a cruise ship with a paddle. No wonder it’s all been such a fiasco 

Which of us would like to be in Matt Hancock’s shoes? The beleaguered Health Secretary faces formidable problems, and the mounting chorus of blame is principally aimed at him. There is a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline NHS staff. If the Government should change its advice and sensibly recommend that we should … Read more

If this goes on for six months, 50,000 more people could die of cancer

When this pandemic emerged, Government ministers were understandably fearful that the NHS could be overwhelmed by the sheer number of infected patients. But in the weeks since the Prime Minister made his first sombre statement to the nation on the threat posed by coronavirus, this rational concern has morphed into an all-consuming tunnel vision about … Read more

In cyber Commons, Jeremy Corbyn is back where he belongs… and new boy Keir Starmer plays a blinder

There is a fairground spookiness to Parliament at the moment. Most areas are boarded up or deserted. The long, high vaulted corridors of the Palace of Westminster are so quiet you can actually hear the nibs of the security guards scratching. But amid the unnerving hush, two eye-popping events played out yesterday in the House … Read more