SARAH VINE: Dear Meghan and Harry, don’t worry about us… because we’re not worried about you 

First of all: how are you both? I know no one ever asks, so I thought it best just to check. After all, it must be so hard for you, stuck in Los Angeles in rented accommodation with only Ellen DeGeneres and Beyonce for company. We all know how stressful moving house can be, and … Read more

JAN MOIR view from the sofa on Meghan’s Elephant Good Morning America appearance

They move slowly across the landscape, lumbering and flat footed, but tenacious.  Their primordial mission is to safeguard the past, then furnish and burnish the future anew. Look at them! Their heads are huge and their brains are perhaps not so huge – but their path is straight and true.  They trudge onwards through the … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s newspaper announcement

Yesterday morning we awoke to the usual fusillade of disturbing news in what is the worst crisis this country has experienced since the end of the Second World War. The shortage of personal protection equipment for our courageous medical staff is worsening. The testing fiasco continues, and the Government seems unlikely to meet its self-imposed … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Shamed Lord Truscott hunts down Covid spivs 

Truscott (pictured) resigned from the Labour Party after he was secretly taped offering to assist in getting amendments on legislation before the Upper House tabled in return for money Shamed lord hunts down Covid spivs… Most politicians need a brass neck to survive in the Westminster jungle. But former Labour energy minister Lord Truscott is … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: No, the coronavirus lockdown cure ISN’T worse than the disease

The Government’s decision to extend the lockdown for a further three weeks has, unsurprisingly, intensified the complaint that ‘shutting down the economy will cost more lives than the coronavirus’ — or, in the words of President Trump, that the ‘cure may be worse than the disease’.  The argument, in essence, is this: recessions kill. Intuitively, … Read more

Countess of Bradford – obstetrician Dr Penelope Law – is battling shortage of protective equipment

The last time the Countess of Bradford wore a Stewart Parvin creation, it was on the day of her wedding. It was also a very different look from the Parvin ensemble she has been wearing this weekend, though she is equally thrilled with the result. ‘These aren’t any old scrubs. They’re Stewart Parvin scrubs,’ she … Read more

The wifi Woodstock! JAN MOIR watched as stars performed from home for the coronavirus heroes

Elton John did it in front of a hedge in his back garden, with two basketballs. Paul McCartney did it in front of some cheapo pine cupboards in his kitchen, no doubt stuffed with tofu burgers and his favourite veggies. Stevie Wonder did it in front of lavishly tasselled curtain tiebacks in his elegantly appointed … Read more

We must give small firms a tax holiday for two years, says DAVID DAVIS

We must give small firms a tax holiday for two years, says DAVID DAVIS By David Davis For The Mail On Sunday Published: 01:17 BST, 19 April 2020 | Updated: 08:33 BST, 19 April 2020 Assuming that we have this dreadful virus under control, it is now essential we take the brakes off the economy … Read more

MARY GREENHAM: I’ve never worked harder in my life than in my local supermarket

It’s Tuesday evening. I’m wearing a uniform of green T-shirt and black trousers and find myself engaged in a delicate negotiation over a bottle of pinot grigiot. I’m quite familiar with the stuff. In normal times I’m a celebrity agent to a number of high-profile clients, among them Martina Navratilova and Andrew Marr, and it’s … Read more

HARRY COLE: Unholy bust-up over bid to rescue top Jewish paper

HARRY COLE: Unholy bust-up over bid to rescue top Jewish paper By Harry Cole For The Mail On Sunday Published: 02:33 BST, 19 April 2020 | Updated: 02:35 BST, 19 April 2020 An almighty barney has broken out over the future of the world’s oldest Jewish newspaper after its owners put it into liquidation and … Read more