CDC privately admitted it failed to track coronavirus months ago

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) effectively gave up trying to keep track of coronavirus, admitting it had failed to do so months ago, according to documents obtained by Forbes.  ‘Most jurisdictions have been forced to abandon monitoring because the number of monitorees exceeds the capacity…As a result, critical data for CDC to … Read more

Young suicides have spiked by 57% since 2006, CDC data shows

The suicide rate among Americans between ages 10 and 24 rose by 57 percent from 2007 to 2018, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  In 2018, suicide was the second leading cause of death for the age group, as well as those between 15 and 34.  Between 2016 … Read more

Americans DID comply with coronavirus lockdowns. in 98% of counties CDC finds

Americans complied with stay-at-home orders nearly everywhere that issued them and helped to slow the spread of coronavirus, new cell phone tracking data analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows.  A new report, released Thursday, reveals that people moved around less in 98 percent of counties that issued stay-at-home orders in … Read more

CDC instructs states to prepare for COVID-19 vaccines next month

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has instructed US states and territories to prepare for one of two coronavirus vaccines to arrive as early as next month, according to the New York Times.   The leaked forms provide guidance for storing, administering and distributing ‘Vaccine A’ or ‘Vaccine B,’ which were unnamed, in the … Read more

Trump ignores CDC guidelines for his convention speech

President Donald Trump’s speech to the Republican National Convention will feature 1,500 guests on the South Lawn of the White House with no social distancing, no mask mandate and only a few of them tested for COVID ahead of the week’s grand finale. Row after row of white folding chairs were set up on the … Read more

CDC director says ‘testing may be considered’ for people who have come into contact with patients 

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has backtracked some of the agency’s changed guidelines on coronavirus testing. Earlier this week, the CDC suddenly amended its testing recommendations to say that people who have come into contact with COVID-19 patients but don’t have symptoms ‘do not necessarily need a test.’ Public … Read more

CDC report reveals how four overnight summer camps in Maine prevented coronavirus outbreaks

Four overnight summer camps in Maine put interventions in place that helped prevent coronavirus transmission and outbreaks, a new report finds. Children who tested positive had to delay arriving, campers quarantined for two weeks and they were frequently tested and screened, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed on Wednesday. Among more than … Read more

Nearly one-third of all American high school students used e-cigarettes in 2019, CDC finds 

Nearly one-third of American high school students said they used e-cigarettes in 2019, a new report finds.  Last year, 32.7 percent said they vaped, which is more than double the 13.2 percent who reported vaping two years ago in 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  revealed on Friday.  Additionally, overall use was up with 36.5 percent … Read more

Trump administration will give control of coronavirus data BACK to CDC

A little over a month after taking control over coronavirus data collection away from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the White House is giving it back, according to the Wall Street Journal.    ‘CDC is working with us right now to build a revolutionary new data system so it can be moved back … Read more

Hispanic workers accounted for nearly 75% of Utah’s job-linked coronavirus cases, CDC finds

Hispanic employees accounted for nearly 75% off all coronavirus caught at work in Utah – making them three times more likely to catch it than white workers, CDC finds The CDC looked at more than 11,000 coronavirus cases throughout Utah between March 6 and June 5  Of that total, 12% were associated with one of … Read more