More than three-quarters of Donald Trump’s voters say Joe Biden’s victory was a ‘fraud,’ poll finds 

The vast majority of Donald Trump’s voters believe Joe Biden only won the presidency due to some sort of ‘fraud’ – rhetoric that the president has been peddling for months. A Monmouth poll released Wednesday shows 77 per cent of Trump’s voters think there was some sort of funny business with the 2020 elections that … Read more

Trump’s fab five! The president names his legal team to fight the election through the courts

Donald Trump on Saturday night announced the five lawyers who would form his ‘truly great team’ and contest the results of the election. The day after a series of damaging defeats in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan, Trump announced the appointment of five people to take on his floundering legal strategy. Among them were a husband … Read more

Trump’s calm 10-minute public outing on Veterans Day belied a White House in tumult

Donald Trump’s calm 10-minute public outing on Veterans Day belied a White House in tumult, as some of his aides say they are certain legal challenges won’t change the election result and they reveal he hasn’t attended an intelligence meeting in weeks.   Trump was seen for the first time in public in days Wednesday when he … Read more

Donald Trump’s 234 pages of ‘fraud’ affidavits include unusual claims

Sworn statements from a Donald Trump campaign lawsuit alleging vote fraud include complaints about military ballots going for Biden despite what one GOP poll watcher found ‘odd’ while also who shared suspicions about life choices of independent poll watchers. Among the the things that tipped off the GOP poll watcher: the independents said they wanted … Read more

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn compares Trump’s claims of voter fraud to ‘Hitler in Germany’

House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn compared the current attempts by the Republican party to contest the election results to ‘what Hitler did in Germany’. The South Carolina congressman was speaking with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night when he claimed that he’s beginning to see similarities between 1930s Germany and Trump’s America.  The 80-year-old … Read more

President Trump’s helicopter that featured in The Apprentice with gold seat belts for sale 

Trump sells helicopter that featured in The Apprentice, but takes his name off it first as he encourages buyers to ‘make an offer’ Trump has not flown in the Sikorsky S76-B copter since becoming president The helicopter was used for years by Trump and featured in The Apprentice Six seater aircraft has cream leather interior, … Read more

Biden plans repudiation of Trump’s policies with executive orders to end ‘Muslim ban’ and rejoin WHO

Joe Biden plans ‘shock and awe’ repudiation of Donald Trump’s key policies as soon as he enters office with executive orders to end ‘Muslim ban,’ re-start dreamers program and rejoin WHO and Paris Climate Accord Joe Biden plans to implement a series of executive orders immediately after taking office reversing several of the policies put … Read more

UK may avoid chlorinated chicken: Joe Biden ‘will rip up Donald Trump’s post-Brexit trade template’

Now UK may avoid chlorinated chicken: Joe Biden ‘will rip up Donald Trump’s post-Brexit trade template and ditch demands for the UK to lower its food standards’ Sources said Mr Biden will switch away from Mr Trump’s plan for a boutique deal  Trans-Pacific trade partnership where high food standards would be maintained Would spare Boris … Read more

Trump’s aides start the blame game and immediately focus on Jared Kushner for election loss

Donald Trump’s team has begun the blame game for the president’s failed re-election bid and the early fire is aimed at Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who serves as a senior adviser in the White House. Kushner wears many hats in the Trump world – de facto chief of staff, keeper of the president’s moods, front … Read more

Trump’s highest-ranking black official Ja’Ron Smith becomes first White House aide to quit

Man overboard! Trump’s highest-ranking black official Ja’Ron Smith becomes first White House aide to quit after election President Donald Trump’s highest-ranking black official, Ja’Ron Smith, has left his job becoming the first White House departure post-Election Day Smith’s exit was long-planned, a White House official told The Hill, as he’ll become the director of the Center … Read more