Let them eat play! Google makes its video game streaming service Stadia free for two months

Google will make its video game streaming service Stadia free for two months while many around the world are living under restrictive shutdown policies. People who register new accounts will have access to Stadia Pro games and services, which allows users to play video games via stream on a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or equipped television. … Read more

Brown hares and chickens were treated as ‘gods’ not food when they arrived in Britain

Chickens and brown hares were introduced to Britain in the 5th century AD and were worshipped as gods rather than eaten, archaeologists claim. Instead of being seen as food, the creatures were associated with deities, and buried with care and intact, found experts from the University of Exeter. Archaeological evidence shows no signs of butchery … Read more

‘Implanted’ memories are indistinguishable from real ones when told to other people say researchers

The likelihood of determining whether someone is sharing a real or false memory of a crime that has been implanted in a person’s recollection is ‘no better than tossing a coin’, a new study reveals. People listening to recounted events of a criminal act were only able to determine between the two with 53 percent … Read more

Scientists and tech companies open-source patents to help researchers studying COVID-19

Scientists and tech companies are open-sourcing their patents as part of a pledge to help expand resources for researchers trying to combat COVID-19 pandemic The initiative open is mean to encourage companies to open source patents Intel alone has opened up more than 72,000 patents to the world The license will be valid for a … Read more

Computer scientist creates coronavirus database for the visually impaired

Software developer creates a simplified website of coronavirus statistics to make them accessible for the blind or visually impaired A Boston-based software developer wanted to make COVID-19 stats accessible He created a simplified website that would be easily readable by electronic braille readers and other common aid devices used by the visually impaired Called CVStats.net, … Read more

Army veterans are concerned the government is using them as ‘guinea pigs’ for COVID-19 study

Some veterans of the Australian Defence Force have criticized a new study testing the effectiveness of antimalarial medication as a COVID-19 prophylaxis, which uses soldiers as test subjects. A small selection of soldiers from the ADF will be given a range of doses of the antimalarial drug chloroquine to see whether it can really stop, … Read more

Coronavirus: There are THREE types and virus may be mutating

Three types of the deadly coronavirus are spreading around the world – and the US is being rocked by the original strain from China. Cambridge University researchers mapped the genetic history of the infection from December to March and found three distinct, but closely related, variants.  Analysis of the strains showed type A – the … Read more

App developed by Stanford and Apple walks first responders through the coronavirus testing process

App developed by Stanford and Apple guides symptomatic first responders through the process of getting tested for coronavirus The app will help first responders figure out if they need testing It will survey paramedics, firefighters, and policemen on symptoms The results can be displayed to healthcare workers It could also be rolled out to other … Read more

How to teach your iPhone’s Face ID to recognize you even if you’re wearing a surgical mask

Apple’s Face ID does not recognize users wearing a surgical mask, forcing them to type in their passcode or remove the protective gear to unlock the smartphone. Researchers have now shared a hack that trains the technology to accept your face with or without a mask.  The video tutorial shows a user folding a brand-new mask … Read more

Cannabis IS addictive and causes withdrawal symptoms

Cannabis causes serious withdrawal symptoms in regular users trying to quit the drug – including headaches, anger and anxiety, a new study found.  Researchers from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario used data from 23,000 marijuana users and discovered it is far more addictive than campaigners claim.  The idea that cannabis is a non-addictive substance is … Read more