Chinese government bans Nintendo game Animal Crossing after players organize political protests

Chinese retailers ban popular Nintendo game Animal Crossing: New Horizons after players use it to organize virtual protests against Xi Jinping and the World Health Organization Chinese retailers have removed listings for Animal Crossing: New Horizons  The bans come after activist groups used the game to organize protests Protests included a mock funder for president … Read more

Only 1 per cent of children are ‘allergic’ to milk despite what parents claim

Western children are being misdiagnosed with a milk allergy with just one per cent  allergic to dairy – despite 14 per cent of parents claiming their child can’t tolerate it.  Researchers from Imperial College London found that medical guidelines for diagnosing babies with cow’s milk allergies don’t consider ‘normal infant behaviour’.  Guidelines currently say symptoms … Read more

Giant supernova discovered by scientists is TWICE as bright as any previously found

A massive supernova discovered ‘in the middle of nowhere’ is twice as bright as anything previously found in the universe, according to astronomers.  Dying stars are found every night but most are in vast galaxies –  while this one appeared to stand alone, according to a team from the University of Birmingham.  Astronomers believe the explosion … Read more

interstellar visitor Oumuamua is a ‘ripped fragment’ from a destroyed planet

The strange cigar-shaped Oumuamua space rock discovered in 2017 was ripped from a planet and sent hurtling into space after it came too close to its star.  When it appeared it became the first visitor from another star system to be spotted from Earth, and astronomers have speculated on its origins ever since.  Experts from National … Read more

Alphabet’s Wing drones are delivering goods to residents in a Virginia town amid to the coronavirus

Alphabet’s Wing drones are delivering toilet paper and cookies to residents in a Virginia town under lockdown amid to the coronavirus pandemic Alphabet’s Wing has been testing drone delivery in a Virginia town since Oct Now that residents are under lockdown, the service is soaring in demand It has made over1,000 deliveries with items including … Read more

Apple and Google to adapt phones for virus infection tracking

Your PHONE will warn you if you have been close to someone who has coronavirus thanks to new contact tracing tech being developed by Google and Apple Apps to use Bluetooth signals to track phones the user comes into contact with  People will be alerted if they may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 … Read more

Apple’s upcoming iOS 14 may let users sample apps by scanning QR codes before they buy them

Apple’s upcoming iOS 14 may let users sample apps before they buy them by scanning QR codes The feature was discovered in early builds of Apple’s iOS 14 It would allow users to scan QR codes or tap links to get app previews  Once scanned or tapped, the link would display a card-style dynamic preview It … Read more

Apple, Google to adapt phones for virus infection tracking

Apple and Google are cooperating on a new program to support software developers in their efforts to develop contact tracing apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. In May, the companies will jointly release an API (application programming interface)  and additional ‘operating system-level technology’ that will allow iOS and Android devices to communicate directly with one another … Read more

Nearly 15% of Americans do not understand stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus, survey finds 

Millions of Americans are under some type of stay-at-home order, but a new survey finds many are unsure what that means nor do they care to follow. Wired conducted the poll that found nearly 15 percent are confused about the policy in their area, with a majority of  misinformed living Missouri. Other than being muddled … Read more

Google unveils virtual braille keyboard that makes phones accessible without additional hardware

Google unveils virtual braille keyboard for Android that makes phones accessible to the blind and those with low vision without additional hardware A new virtual keyboard lets the visually impaired type on Android using braille The tool can be used to type text messages or emails It does away with the need for clunky external … Read more