Top medical journal urges voters to pick a president that prioritizes public health over politics

A new editorial published by a prestigious medical journal in defense of the CDC is urging Americans to vote for a president who won’t let partisan politics influence public health decisions.  The Lancet published an editorial Saturday which criticized the Trump administration’s treatment of the CDC and its advice during the coronavirus pandemic.  ‘The Administration … Read more

Neil Ferguson’s lockdown lover Antonia Staats is seen out in public

Neil Ferguson’s lockdown lover Antonia Staats is seen out in public for first time since the married mother-of-two cycled across town for secret tryst with government coronavirus adviser Antonia Staats, 38, pictured returning to £2 million home in South West London First public outing since her secret trysts with Neil Ferguson were revealed Visit him twice … Read more

Public support for government’s handling of coronavirus slides 9% in a week

Public support for the Government’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak has slipped sharply, according to a new opinion poll. The survey by Opinium found 39% backed the Government’s response, down from 48% a week ago. Those saying they disapproved have risen from 36% last week to 42%. It follows a week in which Boris Johnson … Read more

Government awards £1billion in fast-tracked state contracts to firms WITHOUT public tender

The government has awarded state contracts worth over £1billion to deal with the coronavirus pandemic to private firms without public tenders. Companies including Randox Laboratories Ltd and US-run Brake Bros are among the companies to have been handed contracts. The Government has fast-tracked the rules on awarding state contracts so that they don’t have to … Read more

Families face higher council tax bills and worse public services

Councils facing a £5billion cash shortfall caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could charge families higher council tax for worse public services. Before the lockdown local authorities bought shopping centres and office blocks to make up for lost money after government cuts.  Since 2016 local authorities have borrowed £6.6billion in total to pay for this type of retail.  … Read more

Probation staff failings ‘put public in danger’, damning new report warns 

Probation staff failings ‘put public in danger’ and officials are not learning lessons from incidents in which freed offenders go on to commit horrific crimes, damning new report warns Chief Inspector of Probation Justin Russel says internal checks are not sufficient He says the Government is ‘not doing enough to learn from past mistakes’ System … Read more

‘Appalled’ union bosses say public sector pay freeze ‘would be a slap in the face’

Unions have called a potential public sector pay freeze a ‘betrayal’ as millions of private sector workers faced pay cuts or lost their jobs. A Treasury document has estimated the UK’s deficit could reach £337billion this year because of the pandemic, compared to the forecast £55billion in March’s Budget. The paper said measures including income … Read more

Coronavirus started spreading among the British public BEFORE the first two people tested positive

The coronavirus started spreading in Britain before officials managed to scoop up the first two confirmed patients in York in January, a study has claimed. Researchers working in Brazil and Uruguay have studied the curves of COVID-19 outbreaks in countries around the world to try and work out their true start dates. The first two … Read more

Brits SHOULD be wearing face masks to help prevent spread of Covid-19, public health academic claims

Britons should be wearing protective face masks to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, according to a leading public health academic. Professor John Ashton CBE, former regional director of public health for north-west England, has been heavily critical of the government’s response to coronavirus,  The co-founder of the World Health Organisation’s Healthy Cities Project, also criticised the … Read more

HALF of women say they’re concerned about going out in public while pregnant or after birth

Mothers of newborns and moms-to-be say they are nervous about going out to public places amid the coronavirus pandemic, a new survey suggests. More than 50 percent of women said they were concerned about bringing their children to a daycare or to a sitter’s home. And nearly 80 percent of moms said they would be … Read more