‘Cold blob’ in the Atlantic Ocean caused by shifting currents and low-level clouds, study shows

Strange ‘cold blob’ in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that is getting cooler as the rest of the world heats up is caused by shifting ocean currents and low-level clouds, study shows The so-called ‘warming hole’ in the North Atlantic was first spotted back in 2015 Past research connected the hole to a weakening … Read more

Helen Hunt rocks a wetsuit in the ocean to beat the heat in Malibu before LA’s beaches shut down

Helen Hunt, 57, rocks a wetsuit in the ocean to beat the heat in Malibu … before Los Angeles beaches shut down for the Fourth of July By Caitlyn Becker For Dailymail.com Published: 19:49 BST, 1 July 2020 | Updated: 19:49 BST, 1 July 2020 Helen Hunt is making the most of the summer months. … Read more

Four bizarre new species of giant single-celled organisms discoverd in the Pacific Ocean

Four new species of giant single-celled organisms that live inside ‘skeletons’ up to four inches long have been discovered lurking in the Pacific Ocean. Two were found hiding inside fan-shaped or flat structures poking out of the seafloor, that they had built themselves, while a third was identified inside a near-perfect ball made out of … Read more

Satellite images reveal raging wildfires just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in Siberia

Ravaging wildfires are burning further north in the Russian Arctic than had previously been recorded from space. Images captured by a satellite have shown an out-of-control inferno just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in the Yakutia region. It comes in a summer of unprecedented heat in northern latitudes in Siberia with locals sunbathing, with … Read more

Vast salty ocean inside Jupiter’s moon Europa ‘contains all the ingredients for life’

ALIENS could be living inside Jupiter’s moon Europa, say scientists as they find salty ice-covered ocean that ‘contains all the ingredients for life’ Researchers in California created simulations of Europa’s past geochemistry They found that minerals in the moon may have broken down to release water This water then formed a salty ocean that could be ‘quite … Read more

Lost continent of Zealandia revealed in unprecedented detail in new maps of the ocean floor 

Lost continent of Zealandia that sank into the sea 23 million years ago is revealed in unprecedented detail in new maps of the ocean floor Geologists from New Zealand created the new tectonic and bathymetric maps They are available both in print and in interactive from on a new web portal Covering some 1,930,511 square miles, Zealandia … Read more

Toxic man-made mercury pollution is discovered in the deepest part of the ocean

Toxic man-made mercury pollution has been discovered in the deepest part of the ocean, in the Marianas Trench — more than six miles below the surface.  Researchers from China and the US used submarine robots to identify mercury in the fish and crustaceans living in the deepest part of the western Pacific Ocean. Mercury enters … Read more

Pluto has a vast ocean beneath its frozen crust and could harbour alien life, study shows

Pluto harbours a vast ocean beneath its frozen crust that has been there for 4.5 billion years – 500 million years longer than Earth’s seas – a study has found.  Pluto is known today as a ball of frozen ice and rock orbiting the sun at a distance of 3.7 billion miles.  But a new … Read more

NASA proposes 2025 mission to Neptune’s moon Triton which may host an ocean beneath its icy crust

NASA proposes 2025 mission to Neptune’s mysterious moon Triton which orbits in the OPPOSITE direction to the planet’s rotation and may host an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust The only craft to study Triton up close to date was Voyager 2 back in 1989 Much of the moon’s surface is unmapped and … Read more

Shellfish could be wiped out as Arctic Ocean acidifies due to climate change, scientists fear 

Shellfish could be wiped out as Arctic Ocean acidifies due to climate change, scientists fear Ocean expected to absorb more carbon dioxide than expected in next 80 years Increasing acidity of water could wipe out organisms like shellfish and urchins  Acid can dissolve their calcified skeletons and shells and could affect food chain By Daily … Read more