Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says he wants to be Labour leader

Pressure mounts on Labour’s Keir Starmer as Manchester mayor and former minister Andy Burnham openly says he wants to lead the party in the future (but denies plotting) Mr Burnham at a conference organised by Manchester Jewish charity last night He said: ‘I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have aspirations [to lead the party].’ … Read more

Manchester mayor and former minister Andy Burnham openly says he wants to lead Labour in the future

Pressure mounts on Labour’s Keir Starmer as Manchester mayor and former minister Andy Burnham openly says he wants to lead the party in the future (but denies plotting) Mr Burnham at a conference organised by Manchester Jewish charity last night He said: ‘I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have aspirations [to lead the party].’ … Read more

Keir Starmer isn’t working! Labour Left-wingers call for John McDonnell to lead

Keir Starmer isn’t working! Labour Left-wingers call for John McDonnell to lead the party as they urge key Corbyn ally to stand if the party leader is forced out Sir Keir, who replaced Corbyn ten months ago, failing to ‘lay a glove’ on Johnson  Source close to McDonnell dismissed leadership speculation as ‘pure mischief’ Sir … Read more

Covid is a ‘gift that keeps on giving’ says ally of Sir Keir Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is facing a backlash after one of his most senior frontbenchers described the Covid pandemic as a ‘gift that keeps on giving’ for lawyers. Lord Falconer, the Shadow Attorney General, used the phrase during a briefing for a top City firm staffed by millionaire lawyers.  The peer insists that he … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: He wanted to ditch the Queen. So who is the new flag-waving Keir Starmer kidding?

Earlier this week Sir Keir Starmer presented a party political broadcast beside a Union Flag, promising to ‘rebuild our country’. Can you imagine his predecessor as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, wrapping himself in the flag? Only if it were the Palestinian one, or possibly the Irish tricolour, in homage to his long-standing apparent support for … Read more

Furious Keir Starmer confronts Boris Johnson after PMQs

Furious Keir Starmer confronted Boris Johnson and ‘ranted’ at him after they clashed over his Brexit record at PMQs, it was claimed today. Witnesses said the Labour leader ‘lost it’ after Mr Johnson accused him of wanting to stay in the European Medicines Agency – which has been slated for dragging its heels over vaccine … Read more

Labour looks to brandishing Union Jack and dressing smartly to win back voters

Love the Union Jack, respect British veterans and dress smartly: Labour’s secret battle plan for wannabe MPs to retake the Red Wall is leaked A leaked document shows Labour must brandish the Union flag to win voters Researchers found that voters could not decide what or who Labour stands for Labour’s new strategy is based … Read more

Boris Johnson orders MPs to ABSTAIN in Labour Covid quarantine vote

Boris orders Tory MPs to ABSTAIN in Labour vote demanding quarantine for all overseas arrivals to stop mutant Covid strains Labour wants the Government to introduce hotel quarantine for all UK arrivals Currently the policy only applies to people arriving in UK from ‘red list’ countries  Labour will try to force vote on the issue … Read more

Boris orders Tory MPs to ABSTAIN in Labour vote on border rules

Boris orders Tory MPs to ABSTAIN in Labour vote demanding even tougher border crackdown to stop mutant Covid strains Labour wants the Government to introduce hotel quarantine for all UK arrivals Currently the policy only applies to people arriving in UK from ‘red list’ countries  Labour will try to force vote on the issue but … Read more

Labour demands ‘task force’ to tackle dangerous cladding

Labour demands ‘task force’ to tackle dangerous cladding as 11MILLION face fire risk, higher costs and plunging property prices Sir Keir Starmer is demanding ministers set up a task force to fix cladding crisis Labour will try to force a vote in the House of Commons this afternoon on issue Labour estimates as many as … Read more