Living in isolation can increase the risk of dying early by almost 50%, researchers say 

Loneliness CAN be a killer: Living in isolation can increase the risk of dying early by almost 50%, researchers say Those with little contact with friends or family 50% higher odds of dying early People who don’t belong to sports or community groups also face those odds Socially isolated people were 44% more likely to … Read more

Dying woman hugs her sister after she was granted exemption to fly to Australia during coronavirus

Heartwarming moment dying woman hugs her sister after she was granted coronavirus travel exemption so they could meet one last time before she dies Christine Archer was denied permission to fly to Australia on four occasions Ms Archer’s sister Gail Baker was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in late March  Australian Government eventually allowed Ms Archer to travel … Read more

Little Richard buried at his alma mater Oakwood University in Alabama after dying from bone cancer

‘Architect of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ Little Richard was laid to rest at his alma mater Oakwood University, a historically black college in Huntsville, Alabama, Wednesday after he passed away from bone cancer earlier this month.  The legendary singer, who was 87 when he died in Tullahoma, Tennessee on May 9, was laid to rest during … Read more

Captain Tom Moore says he’s not scared of dying if he catches coronavirus

‘It has to happen sometime’: Captain Tom Moore says he’s not scared of dying if he catches coronavirus as he reveals he wants to return to India or drive route 66 Captain Tom Moore insisted he was not afraid of dying due to coronavirus The 100-year-old has raised more than £33million for NHS Charities Together  … Read more

Bill Turnbull, 64, candidly discusses why he is ‘very calm’ about the prospect of dying

‘I’ve developed a healthy relationship with death’: Bill Turnbull, 64, says he is ‘very calm’ about the prospect of dying three years after being diagnosed with prostate cancer The broadcaster, 64, admitted he is ‘very, very calm’ about the prospect of dying and revealed why he has come to terms with living with his illness … Read more

Men working in the lowest-skilled jobs face the highest risk of dying from the coronavirus

Men working in low paid jobs are significantly more likely to die of COVID-19 than anyone else between the ages of 20 and 64, a ‘horrifying’ report has revealed.  Those who work as security guards have one of the highest death rates along with social care workers, drivers and chefs.  And they are up to … Read more

We MUST find out why so many black and Asian Britons are dying from coronavirus, doctors urge

Britain’s most senior doctors have demanded immediate Government action to tackle soaring fatalities from Covid-19 in black and Asian communities. Many fear Ministers have seriously misjudged the scale of the coronavirus crisis affecting ethnic minorities, and say it is ‘a matter of life and death’ that health chiefs tackle the issue head-on. In an unprecedented … Read more

Judge rules woman dying from cancer should be able to leave care home despite covid-19 lockdown

Judge rules woman dying from cancer should be able to leave care home to spend her last days with her family despite coronavirus lockdown rules An elderly woman was allowed to leave an unnamed care home due to her illness The woman, who had terminal cancer, had been living at the home for 10 years  … Read more

Patients with blood and lung cancers three times more at risk of dying of coronavirus

Patients with blood and lung cancers are three times more at risk of dying of coronavirus than people with other tumors, study finds Researchers looked at coronavirus patients with multiple forms of cancer in comparison with coronavirus patients without tumors People with blood and lung cancers were at a three-times greater risk of dying from the … Read more