Trump announces anti-malaria drug is approved to treat coronavirus – but FDA corrects him

The US is fast-tracking the anti-malarial drug chloroquine for use as a treatment against the new coronavirus, President Donald Trump said Thursday. ‘They’ve gone through the approval process – it’s been approved. They took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we’re going to be able to make that drug available by prescription.’ … Read more

Coronavirus cure hope as Italian man, 79, recovers after taking experimental Ebola drug

Coronavirus cure hopes have today been raised after an infected Italian man in his 70s recovered with the help of an experimental Ebola drug. Doctors gave the unidentified 79-year-old remdesivir, which researchers around the world have tested in their desperate scramble to find a cure.  Officials in Liguria – the coastal region where the patient lives, … Read more

NHS faces pressure to trial over-the-counter anti-malaria drug on coronavirus patients

The NHS is facing growing pressure to use experimental drugs to help patients diagnosed with the coronavirus. An online petition has been launched calling on authorities to start trials of an anti-malarial drug called chloroquine which has shown promising results in China. Doctors and scientists around the world are scrambling to find a way to … Read more

Drug being used to treat flu in Japan is ‘clearly effective’, Chinese officials say

A flu drug is ‘clearly effective’ in treating coronavirus, medical experts in China have claimed. Favipiravir, the active ingredient in a Japanese anti-flu medicine called Avigan, was trialled on 340 patients with the killer disease in China. Patients who took Favipiravir recovered quicker and showed greater lung improvement compared with patients not given the drug. … Read more

Diabetes drug metformin alleviates anxiety in mice ‘by increasing levels of the feel-good chemical’

Diabetes drug metformin alleviates anxiety in mice ‘by increasing levels of the feel-good chemical serotonin in their brain’ People with type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of depression but it is unclear why Previous studies suggest the mechanisms for creating serotonin are blocked In a mouse study, scientists released the block with metformin and … Read more

Girl with coronavirus deteriorated after taking ibuprofen as NHS withdraws advice to take the drug

Britons with coronavirus symptoms are being warned not to take ibuprofen after a four-year-old girl became seriously ill after being given the painkiller. Amelia Milner, four, was given ibuprofen by her parents after she became ill with a cough and a fever – the hallmark symptoms of the deadly infection. But, instead of making her feel … Read more

Gravely ill mother diagnosed with bile duct cancer gets new lease of life from revolutionary drug

When mother-of-four Kadiatou Diallo set about choosing her burial plot, after being given a diagnosis of terminal cancer, her heartbroken husband Alpha, 45, had just one request. ‘He insisted it be somewhere close to home, so that he and the children could come and visit me often,’ says Kadiatou, 38. It’s the kind of agonising … Read more

Police abandon roadside breath and drug tests in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus 

BREAKING NEWS: Police abandon roadside breath and drug tests in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus Queensland Police will abandon stationary roadside breath tests amid COVID-19 They announced approach would take immediate effect on Monday afternoon The decision was made to ‘minimise health risks’ to officers and the community  Similar measures have … Read more

Two experts reveal experimental drug helped SAVE American coronavirus patients

Have doctors found a coronavirus wonder drug? Two experts reveal how experimental antiviral remdesivir saved one woman who was in critical condition and helped 14 infected Diamond Princess passengers Doctors have treated more than a dozen American coronavirus patients with remdesivir – an experimental antiviral drug  The drug was administered to a critically ill California … Read more

Officials REJECT a ‘game-changing’ cancer drug for NHS patients

A row over drugs pricing has delayed a revolution in cancer treatment which could provide hope for thousands of patients. Health bosses last year promised to fast track what they called ‘game-changing’ new gene-targeted cancer drugs. Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, in June said the advantages of these new drugs was ‘potentially … Read more