Suspected ISIS gunmen kill two babies plus 12 mothers and nurses in Afghanistan

Two newborn babies have been killed along with at least 12 mothers and nurses after gunmen stormed a maternity hospital in the Afghan capital of Kabul.  Three gunmen entered the building dressed as police officers before throwing grenades and opening fire with rifles, leaving 15 including men, women and children injured. The attackers were later … Read more

Father of miracle quad babies fights for his life in hospital with coronavirus

Father, 53, of miracle quads fights for his life in hospital with coronavirus leaving their mother, 35, fearing she will have to raise them alone Giovanni Sapia, of Harlow, Essex, was struck down with the bug three weeks ago Doctors put him on a ventilator, with only a quarter of his heart fully functioning Wife … Read more

Babies glued to tablets or telly ‘could develop autism-like symptoms’, controversial study warns 

A controversial scientific study claims there is a link between how much a young child watches television and the likelihood of developing autism-like symptoms.   It found that one-year-old children who spend large portions of time looking at screens were more likely to show autism-like symptoms at two years of age.  Researchers from Drexel University in … Read more

Breastfeeding babies ‘helps prevent viral infection’ in the first months after birth

Babies who are breastfed in infancy carry fewer harmful viruses in their guts than those fed exclusively on bottle milk, a study claims.  Scientists studied the first stools of 20 babies aged up to four days and a separate group of 124 babies aged between one and four months.  Evidence from the faecal matter found … Read more

Professor reveals motivation behind doctors deceiving patients into carrying their babies

Jan Karbaat Pictured: parents and donor children of Dr Karbaat reacting to news in February that they would be given the results of Karbaat’s DNA test so they could conduct their own comparisons Jan Karbaat, who died in April 2017 aged 89, is feared to have fathered up to 200 children while working at the Karbaat’s Blijdorp … Read more

Babies in low-riding pushchairs are exposed to more air pollution

Babies in trendy low-riding pushchairs like the Bugaboo Bee and Babyzen Yoyo are exposed to significantly more air pollution than their parents during the school run. UK researchers found infants as high as 2.6 feet from the ground in their pushchair breathe in 44 per cent more pollutants than the adult pushing them. Babies in … Read more

Chinese scientists warn babies may be at risk of catching coronavirus during pregnancy 

Babies may be at risk of catching the coronavirus from their mother during pregnancy, scientists have warned. Chinese doctors studied four newborns who tested positive for the infection within a few days of a Caesarean delivery, after experiencing mild tell-tale symptoms.  Three had been isolated as soon as they were born because their mothers had … Read more

UK gives birth to more babies with dangerously low birthweights than Turkmenistan, Albania and Cuba

More babies in the UK were born underweight than in Turkmenistan, Albania and Cuba, shocking research shows. Around 56,000 British newborns weighed less than 5.5lbs in 2015, approximately seven per cent of all live births that year.  The UK fell behind the likes of Albania, which saw 4.6 per cent of its babies born underweight, … Read more

Researchers study a lizard that both lays eggs and gives birth to live babies

Evolution in action! Researchers in Australia study a lizard that can lay eggs and give birth to live babies at the same time – a phenomenon never seen before in the reptile University of Sydney scientists shared new research on the three-toed skink They observed the lizard giving birth and laying eggs at the same … Read more

Young children and babies are NOT safe from the coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more