Wedding guests ‘will be limited to 15 under new Covid rules – but 30 mourners allowed at funerals’

Dash to the altar this weekend! Hammer blow for couples tying the knot as wedding guests ‘will be limited to 15 from Monday’ under new Covid rules – but 30 mourners will still be allowed at funerals Boris Johnson set to announce the new cap on guests during address later today Wedding receptions with up … Read more

Mass extinction discovered which allowed dinosaurs to flourish 233 million years ago

Mass extinction that triggered the dinosaur takeover of the world 233 million years ago is identified by scientists Volcanic eruptions in Canada spewed out vast amounts of greenhouse gases  Led to a spike in rainfall and a million years of humidity followed by a dry period  This change caused many species to go extinct and … Read more

Transgender people ‘should be allowed to change gender without a doctor’s consent in UK’

Transgender people should be allowed to change their gender without a doctor’s consent in the UK, the British Medical Association has said.   Doctors backed a proposal at the BMA’s general meeting yesterday which asked the Government to pursue a ‘simplified’ way for transgender and non-binary individuals to gain legal recognition of their gender. At present, … Read more

Husband whose wife is in care has been allowed to see her for just three hours since lockdown began

Twelve years ago, Ian Smith made a vow, one that so many make, to his wife, Sylvia – to have and hold her, in sickness and in health, from that day forward. And when, two years ago, at the age of just 66, she inexplicably developed an aggressive, degenerative brain illness, he was good to … Read more

Elephant kept in tiny enclosure in Pakistan zoo for 35 Years WILL be allowed to leave

An elephant kept alone in a tiny enclosure in a Pakistani zoo will be allowed to leave after a campaign by animal welfare activists helped ensure him better conditions elsewhere.  Dubbed the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’ by his supporters, Kaavan has languished at a zoo in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad for more than 35 years. … Read more

Couples ‘should be allowed to marry in gardens, their own homes or over Zoom’

Something NEW: Couples will be able to marry in private gardens, beaches, their own homes and even over ZOOM under plan to bring marriage into the 21st century Law Commission believes wedding laws in England and Wales are antiquated Legislation dating back to Victorian times bans couples from marrying outdoors  Couples also forced to choose … Read more

London passenger’s shock as medics drag suspected Covid case off plane – before it is allowed to fly

A passenger was left shocked when a Ryanair flight was allowed to travel from Stansted to Italy despite a suspected Covid-infected flyer being dragged off the plane by Hazmat-suited medics. Fionn Murphy, 21, from west London, said he could be walking around Pisa spreading coronavirus because no other riders were asked to self-isolate on arrival. … Read more

Heidi Klum WILL be allowed to take children to Germany for Next Top Model filming in deal with Seal

She filed a request for an emergency court hearing last week seeking to force her ex-husband Seal to allow her to take their children to Germany with her in October. But it seems Heidi Klum has been able to reach an agreement with the British musician without needing a judge to rule on the matter. … Read more

Private Islamic school that allowed teacher to show children a pro-ISIS video given official warning

Charity Commission issues official warning to private Islamic school that allowed teacher now jailed for life for terrorism to show children a pro-ISIS video Umar Ahmed Hague was charged for disseminating terrorist material to children The  Lantern of Knowledge Educational Trust in east London has been warned Haque was an IS fanatic who planned to use … Read more