Crumpets | Daily Mail Online


Serve toasted with lots of butter and jam, if you like.

You will need three crumpet rings to make these. The crumpets can be kept in the fridge for two days – they’ll just need to be toasted. Use a cloth or oven glove when removing the rings from the crumpets as the metal handles will become hot.


TIME TAKEN 30 minutes, plus proving time

275ml whole milk

225g strong white bread flour

7g dried yeast

½ tsp caster sugar

½ tsp sea salt

1 tbsp butter, melted, for greasing, plus extra butter, to serve

jam, to serve (optional)

  •  Put the milk in a small pan with 3 ½ tablespoons water and place over a low heat for a few minutes until just hot. Remove from the heat and set aside.
  •  Combine the flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre then pour in the milk, stirring with a metal spoon until you have a smooth thick batter; it’s important not to overmix or the crumpets may be tough. Cover with a clean cloth and place in a warm place for 50 minutes to prove. The batter will start to rise and become sticky.
  •  Place a large nonstick frying pan over a low heat and brush the base with a little melted butter. Brush the inside of three crumpet rings with butter, too, and place in the pan.
  •  Stir the batter, then spoon three tablespoons into each ring. Cook for 10-12 minutes until the tops of the crumpets are just cooked – bubbles should appear and pop on the surface. Remove the rings (with a cloth, as they will be hot), turn the crumpets over, and cook for 1 minute more. Remove the crumpets from the pan using a spatula and repeat to cook the remaining batter.
  •  Serve toasted with lots of butter and jam, if you like.