Meet the healthcare workers fighting coronavirus on the front lines around the world

While many of us shelter in place and prepare for long lockdowns, healthcare workers continue to battle on the frontlines against the novel coronavirus. Doctors and nurses have pictured themselves covered head-to-toe in personal protective gear and with red marks on their faces after spending 12 or more hours wearing goggles in the ICU. Many … Read more

Mike Ashley’s Sports Direct to STAY OPEN as bosses say they are key workers un coronavirus outbreak

Bosses at Sports Direct have said all stores will remain open because selling sporting and fitness equipment makes the company a vital asset during a national shutdown. Mike Ashley’s Frasers Group, which includes Sports Direct and Evans Cycles, wrote to all workers within 30 minutes of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to shut down all … Read more

UK supermarkets call for an extra 50,000 workers amid rising demand

UK supermarkets call for an extra 50,000 workers to cope with rise in demand By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:51 GMT, 23 March 2020 | Updated: 22:07 GMT, 23 March 2020 Britain’s leading supermarkets need an extra 50,000 staff within weeks to cope with a rise in demand Demand for workers to … Read more

Taliban pledges not to kill healthcare workers as fear of a coronavirus spreads in Afghanistan 

The Taliban have pledged their readiness to cooperate with healthcare workers instead of killing them, as fear of a coronavirus epidemic spreads in Afghanistan.    Whatever reservations the militants previously held over eradicating the crippling disease, they have now clearly grasped the dangers posed by the pandemic sweeping the rest of the world. In the past … Read more

Tube users forced to cram into carriages due to reduced services for key workers

Tube users were forced to cram into carriages after reduced services for key workers left London transport packed once again amid coronavirus chaos. Mayor Sadiq Khan previously said that the Underground, Overground and Docklands Light Railway Service could be ‘scaled down’ as thousands of commuters work from home. But passengers have been urging him to reconsider as … Read more

NHS workers share exhausted selfies showing bruised faces after long shifts

An NHS doctor has shared a selfie showing her face covered in red and purple marks after working a gruelling shift treating coronavirus patients in a London hospital, prompting other healthcare workers to do the same in a bid to encourage the public to self-isolate.   The stark picture, shared by anaesthetic registrar Natalie Silvey, from … Read more

Parents confused over who are key workers to keep their children in school in pandemic crisis

Families and schools are split over who qualifies as key workers during the Pandemic Crisis as headteachers urge parents to keep children away from schools.  The Government has published a sweeping list of key workers who are required to keep crucial public services and sectors of Britain’s economy afloat. Divided into eight categories, the list … Read more

NHS workers are ‘cross-infecting everybody’ due to inadequate personal protection

Supermarkets have been warned against inadvertently accelerating the spread of coronavirus in the elderly population by allowing potentially infected NHS workers to mix with them in reduced opening times.   Many big stores have launched a so-called ‘silver hour’ where pensioners can shop in restocked aisles to avoid them falling victim to panic-buying. Frontline health staff … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘could underwrite £17,000 of salary’ for workers

Chancellor Rishi Sunak could underwrite around £17,000 of every worker’s salary in huge new coronavirus bailout today. The massive rescue package is set to be unveiled by Mr Sunak and Boris Johnson after furious complaints that they were not doing enough for ordinary people. There have been warnings that GDP could be slashed by a … Read more

Britons are left confused by government’s list of key workers

Most schools and nurseries will now be open on Monday because the Government’s list of coronavirus key workers is so long with critics questioning why Boris Johnson is shutting them at all today.   Experts had predicted that one in ten pupils and nursery children would need places until the Autumn – but experts claim the numbers will … Read more