Nut going anywhere: Wild squirrel waits patiently at the window every morning to be given a peanut

Nut going anywhere: Wild squirrel waits patiently at the window every morning to be given a peanut A polite  grey squirrel is seen waiting at the door of a Portland, Oregon, home  In the video, filmed October 16, the squirrel brazenly peers through the window  The bushy tailed visitor takes no notice of the owners’ large … Read more

Dog waits for owner: Pet waits by the window for TEN HOURS after being left at home alone 

Loyal pet dog waits for his owner by the window for TEN HOURS after being left at home alone A family dog in China spent most of the day waiting for his owner to come home Footage shows the border collie ‘Naughty’ resting in the same spot for hours He kept staring into the distance, … Read more

Scotland fans cheer while watching Israel win through a pub window

Penalty shoot-OUTSIDE! Scotland fans cheer and chant while forced to watch team’s tense 5-3 victory over Israel through pub’s WINDOWS after it shut for 10pm curfew Footage shows the tightly-packed crowd outside Nico’s Café Bar in Glasgow Fans – who are watching a TV through the windows – celebrate when goal goes in It comes as … Read more

Devon mother is shocked to discover cattle staring at her through her living room window

A mother was left stunned when she awoke to find a cow staring into her living room window and another 50 trampling through her garden.  Natasha Hooper, 39, was getting ready in her bathroom at her home in Sprayton, Devon, when her son Tyler Findlay, 13, told her, ‘there’s a cow looking through the window.’ At … Read more

Athletic moggy dangles from window sills by its paws as it scales building to find a way inside

Spider-cat! Athletic moggy dangles from window sills by its paws as it scales building to get back home The cat was spotted scaling a building to get into its home in Vladimir, Russia Sergey Ermilov, 43, spotted the cat moving across the window on the building The agile moggy swings between window panes moving its … Read more

Open the window to fend off coronavirus, says Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel has urged Germans to open their windows to fend off a disastrous second wave of coronavirus.  The chancellor said good ventilation could be ‘one of the cheapest and most effective measures’ to slow the rate of infection as gloomier weather forces people indoors. Scientists say well-ventilated rooms are less vulnerable to the spread … Read more

New social distancing rules go out the window as crowds flock to beaches to enjoy last of the sun

New social distancing rules have been thrown out of the window after crowds spent the day flocking to beaches to enjoy last of the ‘Indian summer’ heatwave before rain sweeps in next week. People all over the country have flouted the new ‘rule of six’ restriction, which was introduced on Monday, as they gathered together … Read more

Widower, 75, puts poster in his window asking for friends after the death of his wife

A lonely pensioner has put up a poster in his window asking for friends after the death of his wife left him totally isolated. Tony Williams, 75, often goes for days without speaking to anyone after his wife Jo, also 75, passed away in May. The retired physicist, who lives in Alton, East Hampshire, has no … Read more

Michelle Obama reveals there were ‘times she wanted to push Barack out of the window’

Michelle Obama has confessed there were ‘times that I wanted to push Barack out of the window’ as she opened up about the presidential couple’s marriage.  The former first lady, 56, told young couples that ‘if that breaks a marriage, then Barack and I have been broken off and on… but we have a very … Read more

Heroic neighbour supports boy trapped in a window grille with his shoulder for over an hour

Heroic neighbour saves a home-alone boy who dangles off a six-storey window grille by supporting the child with his shoulder for an hour The boy had reportedly fallen out of the window while playing on its ledge  His body was trapped between two bars and he was crying and struggling  A neighbour climbed across the façade … Read more