Who’ll find love on our blind date? This week it’s Sarah, 29, and Sami, 32

Sarah, 29, (pictured) has been single for six months and has no children SARAH, 29  DATING PAST? I was with my last partner for six months, but I still don’t feel as if I’ve had a proper girlfriend. I ended my previous two relationships because I wanted to play the field. I’m not sure I’m … Read more

DAME HELENA MORRISSEY, it’s the poor who’ll suffer most if we don’t return to the office

Walking through the City of London last week was an eerie and disturbing experience. This is an area I know well through my long career in finance. It is usually throbbing with life. Pavements are crowded, roads congested, offices packed, entrance doors in perpetual motion. Yet, on Monday afternoon, I felt as if I had … Read more

Who’ll find love on our blind date? This week it’s Julie, 44, and Alistair, 53

JULIE, 44, a housing officer He wore black and white – I thought he might be a waiter VITAL STATISTICS Single for nine years with a daughter, eight. CURRENT ROLE  Housing officer working in law.  WOULD LIKE TO MEET   Some body who is grounded, busy, emotionally intelligent and truthful — I am an empath and … Read more

SARAH VINE: Who’ll dare to face the facts on obesity and Covid-19? 

 With each day that passes, with each new grim death toll, we learn a little bit more about the nature of this ghastly virus. This week in particular, statistics have come to light showing that obesity is emerging as one of the biggest risk factors for Covid-19. According to data released by the NHS, being … Read more

Who’ll find love on FEMAIL’s first virtual date? This week it’s Jemma, 44 and Philip, 42

Jemma, 44, (pictured) is a make-up artist, who has been single for five years JEMMA, 44 Dating Past? My last long-term relationship was five years ago. It’s hard to meet people because I travel with my job and often work in Hawaii — I suspect I might have given up on love. I have been … Read more