Pfizer warns UK could hit back over EU threat to block vaccine exports

If the European Union blocked all exports of coronavirus vaccines made on its turf, Britain could remain self-sufficient and still get jabs to the entire population. However, it could come under pressure on second dose supply. EU president Ursula von der Leyen suggested this week that the bloc could start an export ban on vaccines … Read more

‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson warns UK must keep South African Covid variant out

Professor Neil Ferguson has warned Britain must keep out the South African variant of coronavirus amid spiralling cases in Europe. The SAGE adviser – dubbed ‘Professor Lockdown’ after his gloomy modelling of the first wave spooked ministers into the spring shutdown – said the troubling Covid strain was accounting for a ‘significant’ amount of new … Read more

Summer holidays in Europe in doubt, Morgan Stanley warns

Britons’ hopes for a summer holiday abroad were thrown into doubt today as Morgan Stanley warned tourist hotspots are unlikely to open on the same scale as last year. The bank said Europe’s slow vaccine roll-out combined with the spread of more-infectious Covid variants means it is ‘sceptical’ the summer season will go ahead.  It … Read more

Beware the false utopia of post-pandemic life, expert warns

Post-lockdown life WON’T be as rosy as you think: Experts warn against hoping for ‘normality’ because friendships have shifted and values have changed over lockdown Dr Lorna Bourke is principal lecturer in psychology at Liverpool Hope University Warns friendship groups are likely to have shifted dramatically during lockdown Says potential for family feuds to be reignited once … Read more

Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman warns lockdown has created an ‘epidemic of demotivated children’

Schools have been unable to avoid an ‘epidemic of demotivated children’ in lockdown, England’s chief schools inspector said today.   Amanda Spielman told the conference of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) that young children have lost skills as basic as ‘using a pencil’ during months of home learning. She added that some parents have simply … Read more

Creator of alarming Tom Cruise deepfake videos circulating TikTok warns we ‘can’t stop this tech’

The man behind deepfake videos of Tom Cruise which continue to circulate on TikTok has warned that we ‘need to be prepared’ for this type of technology becoming part of everyday life in the future.  Chris Ume, a visual effects artist from Belgium, runs the ‘deeptomcruise’ account on the video platform, showing what appears to be … Read more

Woman warns of dangers of sexual harassment as a solo female traveller

A woman who quit university to travel across Europe in a pink van has warned of the dangers of being a solo female traveller after being sexually harassed and almost raped. Susi Cruz, 28, from Dusseldorf, Germany, has travelled across 31,000 miles in 10 different countries since she quit her job to travel, but admitted … Read more

Inflated marks could lead to record applications for further education, regulator warns 

Grade hikes ‘may swamp universities’: Inflated marks for scrapped A levels could lead to record applications for further education, regulator warns Office for Students has urged university admission officers not to ‘over-recruit’ Fears universities could be swamped by too many students given top grades The Office warned universities faced punishments if courses are too packed … Read more

Martin Lewis warns more than 200,000 women could be owed £13,500 each from the DWP

Martin Lewis warns up to 200,000 women could be owed a £13,500 pension payout following years of underpayments Thousands of women on ‘old’ pensions system could be owed a £13,500 payout  Martin Lewis told viewers of his ITV show to check whether they were entitled  He explained the error impacts married women and widows aged 67 … Read more

Martin Lewis warns more than 200,000 women could be owed £13,500 each from the DWP

Martin Lewis warns up to 200,000 women could be owed a £13,500 pension payout following years of underpayments Thousands of women on ‘old’ pensions system could be owed a £13,500 payout  Martin Lewis told viewers of his ITV show to check whether they were entitled  He explained the error impacts married women and widows aged 67 … Read more