Vladimir Putin may have to be investigated in Salisbury inquest

A Coroner may have to ask Vladimir Putin for evidence if the family of a Salisbury novichok victim win their legal battle to widen the scope of her inquest, the High Court heard today. The daughter of Dawn Sturgess, 44, has taken action after Senior Coroner for Wiltshire David Ridley placed limits on which issues would be … Read more

Putin may have to be investigated in Salisbury inquest, High Court hears

Vladimir Putin may have to be investigated if the family of a Salisbury novichok victim win their legal battle to widen the scope of her inquest, the High Court heard today. The daughter of Dawn Sturgess, 44, has taken action after Senior Coroner for Wiltshire David Ridley placed limits on which issues would be investigated at … Read more

Russian village is evacuated ‘due to tests of Putin’s new hypersonic missile’

‘Danger zone’ Russian village is evacuated ‘due to tests of Putin’s new hypersonic missile’ – a year after seven people were killed in explosion linked to the Zircon weapon 500 locals in the military village of Nyonoksa were told to evacuate for 36-hours The evacuation is linked to testing of Putin’s new 6,000 mph Zircon … Read more

Insiders compare Donald Trump’s private calls with Vladimir Putin to ‘two guys in a steam bath’

President Donald Trump’s private calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin sometimes have the tone of ‘two guys in a steam bath,’ according a bombshell account that portrays Trump as bending over backward to win the strongman’s approval. Putin ‘just outplays’ Trump during their one-on-one interactions, according to a CNN report published Monday by legendary Watergate … Read more

Vladimir Putin is set to win referendum vote that will allow him to rule Russia until 2036

Concern is rising over election fraud in Vladimir Putin’s controversial constitutional referendum which would allow him to rule Russia until the age of 83 in 2036. Pictures show Russians voting in bizarre makeshift polling stations on tree stumps, in car boots, at children’s playgrounds and on park benches as the poll goes ahead during the pandemic. … Read more

Troops prepare to parade through Red Square as Putin whips up patriotic fervour ahead of vote

Columns of tanks and troops are parading through Red Square today as President Vladimir Putin oversees grand World War II commemorations to stir up patriotic fervour ahead of a vote on extending his rule. Forced to postpone the country’s traditional May 9 Victory Day celebrations by the coronavirus pandemic, Putin rescheduled the parade for just a … Read more

Putin raises income tax from 13% to 15% for wealthy Russians

Putin raises income tax from 13% to 15% for wealthy Russians on more than £58,000 to pay for coronavirus measures Putin said the tax increase would bring in 60billion roubles (£700million)  It is the first tax hike on wealthy Russians since flat tax was introduced in 2001 Russia faces its worst economic crisis since 2009 … Read more

Putin brags that Russia is dealing better with coronavirus than US

Vladimir Putin has boasted of Russia’s success in handling the coronavirus pandemic and attacked America’s response – despite his country having the third-largest outbreak in the world.   Putin said in an interview with state TV: ‘We are exiting the coronavirus situation steadily with minimal losses, God willing, in the States it isn’t happening that way.’ The … Read more

Russian lion cub had legs broken ‘so it could not escape while tourists posed for photos with it’

A lion cub’s hind legs were deliberately broken by torturers ‘so it could not run away while posing on Russian beaches for photos with holidaymakers’. Vladimir Putin was so shocked that he personally ordered a criminal probe into the cruelty Simba experienced.  The cub was just a few weeks old when he was snatched from … Read more

Donald Trump demands G7 have Vladimir Putin ‘in the room’ for summit

Donald Trump demands G7 have Vladimir Putin ‘in the room’ for summit and credits Kremlin strongman with ‘saving’ Texas oil jobs despite other leaders’ veto on re-inviting Russia Trump said he wants Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G7 when he hosts ‘Half of the meeting is devoted to Russia, and if he was there, … Read more