Germany warns Vladimir Putin it could halt gas pipeline project over Alexei Navalny poisoning

Germany has warned Russia that it could halt a gas pipeline project over the poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Mr Navalny, an opponent of Vladimir Putin, is in a coma in a Berlin hospital after falling ill on a flight in Siberia. Tests showed he was poisoned with novichok – the nerve agent used … Read more

Donald Trump flies three B52 bombers into Ukrainian airspace from RAF Fairford

US nuclear-capable B52 bombers fly into Ukraine and circle on the Crimean border in brazen challenge to Putin Three B-52H bombers were joined by Ukrainian and RAF military planes They flew along the border of Russian-occupied Crimea in a show of strength And swooped near positions held by Kremlin-backed separatists in the Ukraine  By Luke … Read more

Alexei Navalny poisoning ‘strengthens Russia’ says Novichok survivor

Novichok survivor Charlie Rowley says the latest poisoning has given ‘Russia strength to carry on and get away with it’. Charlie, 47, spent weeks in hospital and still suffers with the effects of his contact with the deadly substance. His partner Dawn Sturgess died after being exposed to the nerve agent in July 2018 following … Read more

Vladimir Putin’s oligarch pal resumes bitter divorce battle with ex-wife in court over his fortune

Vladimir Putin’s oligarch pal resumes bitter divorce battle with his ex-wife in London court over his fortune Arkady Rotenberg and his ex-wife Natalia began fighting over money in 2014 Mr Justice Moor oversaw private hearings in the the High Court in London They told him they had settled six years ago but have resumed proceedings … Read more

Russia’s Covid vaccine might actually WORK, early data suggests

Russia’s Covid-19 vaccine might actually protect people from catching the disease, early studies show as the country finally publishes data about the controversial jab. The vaccine became the first in the world to be approved for mass use last month, with Vladimir Putin eyeing up nationwide injections in October. The move sparked uproar in the scientific … Read more

Western fury grows over Alexei Navalny Novichok poisoning

The West is demanding answers from Moscow today after the ‘despicable and cowardly’ nerve agent attack on Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.  Britain said the Kremlin ‘has a clear case to answer’ while NATO demanded a ‘full and transparent’ investigation after a German military lab found that Navalny was poisoned with Novichok, the Soviet-era weapon used … Read more

Doctors treating Alexei Navalny believe he was poisoned with same toxin ‘used on arms dealer’ 

German doctors treating Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny have contacted Bulgarian colleagues amid suspicions he was poisoned with the same mysterious toxin used on an arms dealer. ‘Obviously, they consider it possible that the same or very similar substances were used,’ reported news magazine Der Spiegel. Doctors at Berlin’s Charité hospital – where Navalny remains … Read more

Vladimir Putin has formed ‘special force’ and says he is ready to intervene in Belarus

Vladimir Putin forms elite ‘spec ops force’ to intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’ Vladimir Putin said is he will intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’   He confirmed Russia has created a reserve police force to send to the country Added that move would honour joint defence pact Russia … Read more

Boris Johnson demands investigation into alleged poisoning of Alexei Navalny

Boris Johnson demands ‘full, transparent investigation’ into alleged poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny after Kremlin rejects ’empty noise’ claims it is to blame Russian opposition leader currently in a coma in Berlin hospital after falling ill Doctors found evidence he was poisoned and allies have blamed the Kremlin The Kremlin has dismissed the … Read more

Kremlin dismisses claims that Putin was behind Alexei Navalny’s ‘poisoning’

Russia today rejected claims that the Kremlin was behind the poisoning of Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny, who is in a coma at a German hospital.  Navalny’s friends have pointed the finger at Putin after the opposition leader fell ill on a flight in Siberia and was airlifted to Berlin in a critical condition.  Kremlin … Read more