Coronavirus US: Trump announces ’15 days to slow down’ virus

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.  ‘Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,’ the president said in the White House briefing room.  And … Read more

Restaurant boss begs diners to keep eating out as restaurants face virus crisis

The 2015 MasterChef winner Simon Wood (pictured) fears for his restaurant and the wider industry as coronavirus panic sweeps the country Businesses fear they are on the brink as a restaurant bookings plummet by 75 per cent, a sports ban hits bookies’ profits and self-employed couriers attack ‘paltry’ sick pay.  Restaurant boss Simon Wood revealed he’s … Read more

KAROL SIKORA: Panic and fear are as contagious as this virus. And they’ll kill even more people

The Perfect Storm stars George Clooney as an intrepid fisherman who navigates his boat through a storm of deadly ferocity – a freakish confluence of weather fronts, gales and vast tides that defy all attempts at prediction, let alone control.  Today, our healthcare system is in the same perilous position as Clooney’s fragile boat in … Read more

Downing Street hits back against critics of its ‘herd immunity’ virus strategy

Downing Street hits back against critics of its ‘herd immunity’ virus strategy – insisting top priority is to protect as many people as possible Downing Street has hit back against critics of its coronavirus strategy UK’s chief scientific adviser had said No 10 wanted to build up ‘herd immunity’ Public health experts demanded ‘transparency’ from … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Virus exposes the zombies

The current crash on financial markets feels very different to those of the past.  Even though the fallout for ordinary citizens from the 2008 banking crisis devastated incomes, it was not a matter of life and death in the Western democracies. Social safety nets, and the fact that most who live in developed countries enjoy … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Nadine Dorries reveals mother, 84, has virus

‘She’s a pre-war baby, made of strong stuff’: Coronavirus-hit health minister Nadine Dorries confirms her 84-year-old mother has tested positive for the virus – but insists she is ‘doing ok’ The Tory health minister reassured that her octogenarian parent is ‘doing ok’  Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to the virus which has infected 798  Ms Dorries’s … Read more

Coronavirus: Diabetic man with virus says ‘I’ve had worse flu’

A British man has told how bouts of the flu were worse than his experience with the life-threatening coronavirus spreading across the globe. Andrew O’Dwyer, whose age is not known, tested positive for COVID-19 after going on a ski trip with friends to the Italian Dolomites in February.  He didn’t show symptoms for a week … Read more

Virus petition calling for PM to close schools tops 420,000

A petition calling for Boris Johnson to close schools has topped 420,000 as exam worries grow and universities ban face-to-face teaching due to the coronavirus threat. The form, started by Sami Attout, urges Boris Johnson to shut down campuses ‘in the coming weeks or as soon as possible’, to prevent the spread of Covid19. School leaders … Read more

Tick that can carry deadly Ebola-like virus is found in the UK for the first time 

A tick capable of carrying a host of killer illnesses has been found in the UK for the very first time, health officials have revealed. The Hyalomma rufipes tick – a small blood-sucking arachnid – is usually confined to Africa, Asia and parts of southern Europe. But Public Health England has now revealed one of … Read more

Coronavirus: How the virus is affecting life in Australia

Prime Minister Scott Morrison made the stunning announcement following a meeting with the states’ premiers on Friday evening Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government will ban ‘non essential’ public gatherings of more than 500 people from Monday.   The government is taking the drastic move in the wake of growing evidence the coronavirus pandemic is … Read more