161 ways to prevent another pandemic: Cambridge University study

Going vegan, banning the trade of exotic animals and clamping down on crowded farms could prevent the world from being ravaged by another pandemic, leading scientists warned today. A 25-strong team of wildlife and veterinary experts have identified seven routes by which pandemics could occur moving forward — and 161 ways to reduce the risk … Read more

Two doses of Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine produces stronger immune response than one

Hopes of a coronavirus vaccine were raised today after scientists found giving two doses of one of the most promising candidates offers more protection against the disease than just one. Researchers gave pigs Oxford University’s experimental jab, which is currently being trialed on humans to determine whether it is safe and effective. Results showed pigs … Read more

Girls are four times less likely to study maths-intensive subjects at university than boys

Female students are four times less likely to enrol in a maths-heavy subject like physics or engineering than boys, a study found. This is despite evidence that girls demonstrate a ‘higher degree of competence’ for those subjects while they are at school, according to education policy experts.  Researchers from New York University studied data from … Read more

This cowardly surrender by Oxford University is a wilful vandalism of history, writes Daniel Hannan

Yet again, the future of Cecil Rhodes hangs in the balance.  Intimidated by a delirious mob, the governing body of Oriel – his and my Oxford college – voted to remove the statuette of the 19th-century diamond magnate from its niche high above the city’s high street. Yesterday, the inevitable backlash began, as a former … Read more

Oxford University students impacted by George Floyd’s death can apply for mitigating circumstances

Oxford University students concerned the ‘trauma’ of George Floyd’s death impacted their exams are told to apply for ‘mitigating circumstances’, as professors announce they will seek to ‘decolonise’ maths and science Students claim the video of George Floyd’s last moments has a lasting impact University vice-Chancellor said students may feel ‘traumatic effect of brutality’   Students … Read more

Oxford University chancellor Chris Patten accuses Cecil Rhodes statue protesters of ‘hypocrisy’

The chancellor of Oxford University has hit out at the ‘hypocrisy’ around protests to remove a statue of imperialist Cecil Rhodes. Lord Chris Patten, who has no power to remove the Rhodes statue at Oxford University’s Oriel College, said a trust set up after the mining magnate’s death pays for the education of more than … Read more

Tony Blair’s son Euan says UK’s ‘one-size fits all’ university education risks ‘skills crisis’

UK’s ‘preoccupation’ with ‘one-size fits all’ university education risks causing a ‘skills crisis’ says Tony Blair’s son Euan – a generation after his father’s famous bid to get HALF of youngsters to become students Euan Blair, 36, warns society is divided by a 30-year ‘obsession with university’ He says graduates without any non-graduate friends should … Read more

Ivanka Trump complains of ‘cancel culture’ after Wichita State University cancels her speech

Ivanka Trump has hit back after she was dropped as a guest speaker at a Kansas university’s online commencement ceremony. Trump, who also acts as a senior adviser to the president, has blamed ‘cancel culture’ as part of the reason she was removed from the graduation ceremonies of Wichita State University and WSU Tech.  ‘Our … Read more

University of Pittsburgh doctors say coronavirus appears to be declining in potency

Doctors at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center say the coronavirus appears to be becoming less potent.   Dr Donald Yealy, chair of emergency medicine at UPMC, explained at a press conference on Thursday that people seem to be contracting the virus less easily and cases appear to be less severe then when the pandemic first … Read more

University students could live in course ‘bubbles’ and hold virtual freshers weeks

Universities are considering making students live in ‘bubbles’ with people on their courses as part of a series of measures to reopen campuses in September, as the sector faces its greatest challenge yet. Students arriving at university for the first time could be faced with virtual freshers’ week events, fewer large-scale lectures and one-way systems … Read more