Why is A-level results day different this year and how could it impact on going to university?

Why is results day different this year? Exams were cancelled across the UK in March as the pandemic took hold and schools closed. As a result, Ofqual, the exam regulator in England, decided grades would instead be awarded based on teacher assessments of how pupils would have performed, moderated by exam boards. However, it soon … Read more

University Challenge viewers swoon over ‘hot’ contestant from Birkbeck

University Challenge viewers have swooned over a contestant from last night’s episode, saying he might be the show’s most handsome player ever.       Joshua Mutio, from St Helen’s in Merseyside helped his team from Birckbeck, University of London beat Reading University 295 – 60, by answering questions on musicals, US politics and physics. But it was the … Read more

University chiefs are told to keep places open until pupils can complete appeals

University chiefs are told to keep places open until pupils can complete appeals against their A-level exam grades Minister Michelle Donelan wrote to vice-chancellors urging them to be flexible Pupils should not have to ‘put their future on hold’ because of a sluggish process Miss Sturgeon promised teenagers would ‘get the grades they feel they … Read more

UK university student filmed horrific mushroom-cloud blast in Beirut

A former UK university student who filmed the horrific mushroom-cloud footage of the Beirut blast has described how he was blasted off his balcony and feared he was about to die.   Abdallah Rashidi captured terrifying footage which was viewed by millions after the explosion in the Lebanese capital which has killed at least 163 people.  Like other … Read more

University worker, 56, cleared of younger brother’s murder in row over a PILLOWCASE

Moment blood-covered university worker, 56, was arrested for stabbing his OWN brother to death in row over a PILLOWCASE as he is cleared of murder Mark Oliver, 56, has been cleared of his younger brother Andrew’s murder Footage recorded in the aftermath of the stabbing can now be seen for first time Mother Jean Oliver … Read more

Right-leaning or pro-Brexit academics are ‘censored’ on British university campuses, report warns

Right-wing or pro-Brexit academics are ‘censored’ on British university campuses, report warns A survey found fewer than 20 per cent of academics voted for Right-wing parties In comparison 75 per cent voted Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green from 2017 Paper suggest a ‘structural discriminatory effect’ on Right-leaning academics By Daily Mail Reporter For The Daily … Read more

Oxford University students will have to wear face masks

Oxford University students will have to wear face masks in all lectures and seminars in the next academic year, it has been announced.  The world-renowned university has made it compulsory for students to wear a covering in any shared indoor space, including the college bars, the students’ union and any libraries, unless they have a medical exemption. The latest … Read more

University Challenge viewers rejoice as the Open University BEAT Oxford

University Challenge viewers rejoiced yesterday as the Open University beat Linacre College, Oxford on the BBC Two show.  The team from the Open University, who had an average age of 52, beat the post-graduate Oxford college 210 to 140 leaving fans overjoyed at the underdogs’ win. Oxford University is ranked number one in the world … Read more

University lecturer, 73, is sacked after telling colleague ‘positive stereotypes’

A university lecturer was sacked after claiming ‘Jewish people are the cleverest in the world’ and ‘Germans are good engineers’. Stephen Lamonby claimed his comments were not racist or offensive because he was using ‘positive stereotypes’. The 73-year-old also said he ‘had a soft spot’ for young black men because they are underprivileged as ‘many … Read more

Coronavirus: Oxford University vaccine provokes immune reaction

Hopes of ending the Covid-19 pandemic with a vaccine grew today after promising data revealed Oxford University’s experimental jab is safe and provokes an immune reaction that lasts for at least two months. Hugely-anticipated clinical trial results of the vaccine — one of the front-runners in the world’s race for a jab — revealed more … Read more