Boris Johnson says ‘five tests’ to ease lockdown have been met

Boris Johnson declared that up to six people can now meet outdoors after the the government’s five coronavirus tests for loosening lockdown were met.  The PM revealed that the draconian restrictions are being eased slightly from next week, after the ferocity of the outbreak subsided.    He is formally reducing the country’s Covid ‘alert’ status from four … Read more

Ofcom receives 247 complaints over Emily Maitlis’ ‘impartial’ rant about Dominic Cummings

Ofcom today revealed that Emily Maitlis’ Newsnight monologue about Dominic Cummings and the ‘blind loyalty’ of his boss Boris Johnson has sparked 247 complaints – but the BBC may have had thousands more, it was revealed today. The BBC is claimed to have had ten times as many complaints from viewers than the UK’s TV regulator … Read more

Coronavirus England: ‘Alert’ may be dropped to level three

Boris Johnson could signal a comeback for the barbecue tonight as he starts to loosen the coronavirus lockdown.  The draconian restrictions are expected to be eased slightly from next week, after the ferocity of the outbreak subsided.    The PM is set formally to reduce the country’s Covid ‘alert’ status from four to three after taking … Read more

Emily Maitlis’s last-minute Newsnight replacement ignores coverage of her being censured

Emily Maitlis’s last-minute Newsnight replacement studiously ignored coverage of the presenter being reprimanded over her Dominic Cummings monologue as she reviewed today’s papers. The BBC admitted Maitlis had breached the broadcaster’s impartiality rules when she asserted Boris Johnson’s chief aide had ‘broken the rules’ regarding lockdown in her introduction to the programme on Tuesday. The … Read more

Ousted Chancellor Sajid Javid leads Tory MP anger over Dominic Cummings

Former Chancellor Sajid Javid has joined the Tory outcry over Dominic Cummings after Boris Johnson ruled out an inquiry into the scandal and pleaded with the country to ‘move on’. In a letter to constituents, Mr Javid said that he did not believe Mr Cummings’ 260-mile trip from London to Durham was ‘necessary or justified’. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Pubs and restaurants ‘could open next month’

Pubs could be allowed to reopen as early as next month, as the Prime Minister tonight gave Britons fresh hope of enjoying a drink in a beer garden this summer. Boris Johnson tonight told MPs he hopes to allow watering holes and restaurants to re-open earlier than July 4 – the date which has been … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson wants 2m social distancing eased

Boris Johnson wants two-metre social distancing rule to be EASED to help shops and pubs reopen and says he has already asked Sage experts to look into it UK has one of the strictest contact gap rules in the world to counter coronavirus  It is  double one metre gap recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO) That … Read more

Boris Johnson faces a grilling from senior MPs today with Covid questions squeezed into 20 mins

Boris Johnson will today face a 90-minute grilling from the Commons Liaison Committee over his handling of the coronavirus crisis and his top aide’s decision to travel during lockdown.  Questions on Dominic Cummings’ trip from London to Durham, along with three other coronavirus topics, will be crammed into a 20-minute slot after intervention from Committee … Read more

Six Cabinet members ‘privately believe Dominic Cummings should resign’

Six Cabinet ministers are thought to have privately told colleagues Dominic Cummings should resign, with 40 Tory MPs calling on Boris Johnson to sack his top aide amid fury over his breach of coronavirus lockdown restrictions.  Cummings has faced intense criticism over his decision to drive his family 260 miles from London to Durham at … Read more

Microplastics shed from tyres are a major source of river and ocean pollution, study finds 

Microplastics shed from tyres are a major source of river and ocean pollution, UK government-backed study finds Researchers from Plymouth studied the sources and transport of microplastics These tiny polluting particles have been found in oceans and waterways globally Tyres now join plastic bags, clothes and cosmetic microbeads as key sources The findings may help the … Read more