Covid lockdown England: Tory MPs urge Boris Johnson not to ‘move goalposts’

Ministers were yesterday accused of ‘moving the goalposts’ and creating uncertainty in plans to lift the lockdown. They were urged by MPs to stick to Boris Johnson’s ‘data not dates’ pledge and publish target figures for when restrictions could be eased. It came as business leaders warned more than 3,500 pubs, bars and restaurants face … Read more

Boris Johnson rules out returning the Elgin Marbles to Greece

Boris Johnson rules out returning the Elgin Marbles to Greece: PM argues British Museum is rightful owner of 2,500-year-old ‘legally acquired’ sculptures Boris Johnson rejects often-repeated requests from Athens to return sculptures PM says they were ‘legally acquired under the appropriate laws of the time’ Greece insists the 5th century BC sculptures, were stolen from the … Read more

Privacy fears as Home Office, UK police and internet firms work together on surveillance

Ministers are facing a furious backlash from MPs and civil liberties campaigners after it emerged the Government has teamed up with two UK internet providers to track websites visited by customers.     It has been revealed that the Home Office and the National Crime Agency have been trialling controversial surveillance powers to log and store information about … Read more

Boris Johnson visits Northern Ireland amid furious row over Brexit impact

Boris Johnson is in Northern Ireland today amid a furious row over the impact of Brexit on the country. The Prime minister was told to  to ‘stand up for Northern Ireland’ and ditch the ‘intolerable’ Protocol governing Irish Sea trade post-Brexit by DUP leader Arlene Foster. Extra checks on goods passing through Northern Ireland’s ports from … Read more

Rishi Sunak hopes £180bn consumer boom will aid UK’s post-Covid economic recovery

Rishi Sunak today stoked hopes a £180billion consumer boom will fuel the UK’s recovery – but admitted that fears of mass unemployment ‘keep me up at night’.  The Chancelllor voiced optimism that a fast bounceback will fueled by the huge savings warchest built up by those who have kept working through the pandemic. But he … Read more

Michael Gove: Post-Brexit border checks on imports to be delayed due to Covid disruption

Michael Gove announces Britain will delay the introduction of post-Brexit checks on some goods from the EU for six months due to Covid chaos Michael Gove said introduction of controls on some EU imports will be delayed Minister for the Cabinet Office said delay has been caused by Covid disruption The border controls were due … Read more

EU ambassador to the UK extends a Brexit olive branch

EU ambassador to the UK extends a Brexit olive branch as he says it is time to ‘give up on trying to score points on disputes of the past’ amid rumbling row over Northern Ireland Protocol João Vale de Almeida said ‘we need to make an effort to change the mindset’ EU ambassador to UK … Read more

Furious health unions line up to slam Matt Hancock over ‘slap in the face’ 1% pay rise for medics

Furious health unions have slammed Matt Hancock over the one per cent pay rise for medics. The British Medical Association, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Nursing and Unison wrote an open letter to Rishi Sunak calling for a ‘fair pay deal’. They said NHS workers ‘have literally kept the country alive for … Read more

Covid lockdown England: School summer holidays could be shortened, hints Gavin Williamson

Gavin Williamson hints school summer holidays could be shortened PERMANENTLY as he says government is looking at moving to a five-term year Gavin Williamson hinted five-year school term is being considered for England The proposed system would mean more breaks but shorter summer holidays Government has ordered a review of reform options after the coronavirus … Read more

Rishi Sunak Budget ‘super deduction’ could wipe Amazon corporation tax bill to ZERO, say campaigners

Rishi Sunak’s ‘super deduction’ could let Amazon wipe out its bill: Online giant’s corporation tax could be cut to zero, campaigners warn The online retail giant’s British sales soared 51 per cent to £19.4billion last year Its warehousing arm paid £6.3mil in tax in 2019 despite raking in £3bn in sales But campaign groups say … Read more