Quarantine plan for tourists may be scrapped by July if travel industry can devise safe alternative

Quarantine plan for holidaymakers could be scrapped by July if travel industry bosses can devise safe alternative within three weeks Priti Patel asked bosses to come up with ‘innovative solutions’ in a video meeting It opened up a slim prospect of foreign holidays re-starting as early as June 29  Travel firms have condemned the quarantine … Read more

Tourists to be tested and isolated for six hours in Mallorca and Ibiza

The first tourists to arrive in Mallorca will undergo PCR coronavirus tests at the airport and then remain isolated for six hours in their hotels to await the results. This is one of the measures contained in a pilot ‘action plan’ being prepared by the Balearic government which wants to be one of the first … Read more

Norway and Denmark ban tourists from lockdown-free Sweden from entering the country

Norway and Denmark will reopen their borders to each other as coronavirus restrictions are eased, but not to their lockdown-free Scandinavian neighbour Sweden. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced on Friday Denmark will reopen its borders from June 15 to residents of Germany, Norway and Iceland but ‘with restrictions’, while Norway said it would do … Read more

Portuguese holiday island of Madeira will pay for coronavirus tests for all tourists

Portuguese holiday island of Madeira will welcome tourists again from July 1 – and all visitors will be tested for coronavirus for free if they can’t prove they’re negative Tourists will have to undergo the test before they are allowed onto the island  Alternatively, they have to prove they’ve had a negative test in the … Read more

Back to Benidorm in JULY! Spanish PM tells tourists ‘we’re waiting for you’

Back to Benidorm in JULY! Spanish PM tells tourists ‘we’re waiting for you’ as he vows to ‘safely’ reopen hotspots ahead of more lockdown easing on Monday Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez says his country will be open from July He asked foreign tourists to start planning their holidays to the country now PSOE party … Read more

Cyprus will ban British tourists from entering the country when it reopens to holidaymakers in June

Cyprus will ban British tourists from entering the country when it reopens to holidaymakers on June 9 amid fears over UK’s coronavirus death toll Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said airports would reopen on June 9 Phased reopening will initially allow passengers to fly from about 20 countries British tourists account for a third of arrivals … Read more

Police chief tells tourists in Peak District to stay away as beauty spots are plagued by cars

Police chief tells tourists in Peak District to stay away as beauty spots are plagued by huge lines of cars, piles of rubbish and burnt-out barbecues after lockdown was eased ahead of quietest Bank Holiday weekend for seven years Mark Thorley says tourists are failing to heed warnings to stay away from area He said … Read more

Lake District locals erect fake signs to keep tourists away

Angry villagers near a popular beauty spot have barricaded themselves in with makeshift roadblocks and plastic fences in a bid to fend off hoards of tourists amid the coronavirus crisis. Residents living in the Lake District, in Cumbria, are putting out traffic barriers and industrial waste bins across roads – which is against the law … Read more

Greece offers to waive 14-day quarantine for UK tourists

Greece has offered to waive its 14-day coronavirus quarantine for British tourists and holiday firms are planning to restart flights from mid June in what could be a welcome boost for beleaguered lockdown Britain. With the Mediterranean nation’s under-pressure economy heavily dependent on holidaymakers it has been making plans to refill deserted beaches and hotels. … Read more