TOM PARKER BOWLES: Sunland cuisine in the heart of London

Sola  64 Dean Street, Soho, London  Rating: (and a half!) California. The Golden State, the promised land, last stop on the American Dream. Go West, young man, follow the gold, to the place where the days are longer, and the nights are stronger, and you’d be safe and warm. If you were in LA. For … Read more

TOM UTLEY: I wish religion was as easy to take up as, say, colonic irrigation

As my mother lay on her deathbed, visitors who asked her how she was feeling would get one of three answers: ‘I’m very well, thank you’; ‘I’m blooming’; or, ‘I’m in the pink’. You didn’t have to be a consultant oncologist to realise this wasn’t strictly true. For one thing, she was so ill towards … Read more