Dominic Cummings’ ally Cleo Watson quits No10

More evidence of changing of the guard at No10 as Dominic Cummings’ ally Cleo Watson quits after he was ousted in brutal power struggle Dominic Cummings’ ally Cleo Watson is latest Vote Leave veteran to leave No10  Was known as ‘Cummings whisperer’ but not seen as involved in power struggle Boris Johnson struggling to ‘reset’ … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: Butt out of Brexit, Mr Biden – you’re not even President yet

Well, that didn’t take long… President-Elect Joe Biden is still eight weeks away from being formally inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, but he’s already throwing his weight around in a political battle raging thousands of miles away in Europe. And he couldn’t have chosen a more incendiary issue to immerse himself … Read more

Does every parent REALLY have a favourite child? Mums weigh in on the controversial topic

Does every parent REALLY have a favourite child? Parents weigh in on the controversial topic – and what they say might surprise you Parents weighed in on the subject of whether they have a favourite child The subject was sparked after a recent episode of the royal drama The Crown Many said they do have … Read more

Ministers will overhaul controversial planning system changes after Tory revolt

Ministers will overhaul controversial planning system changes after Tory revolt over use of algorithm to decide where to build thousands of new homes Theresa May said the algorithm ‘flies in the face’ of Conservative levelling-up  She said more homes need to be built but called for a new planning system  System is now being ‘rebalanced’ … Read more

‘Spy cops’ inquiry hears how Piers Corbyn was a surveillance target for almost two decades

Anti-shutdown protester Piers Corbyn was targeted by Scotland Yard’s undercover police for nearly two decades, a public inquiry heard yesterday. The older brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was the main organiser for squatting groups in London between 1972 and 1982. Mr Corbyn, 73, helped to organise the All London Squatters Federation, the Squatters … Read more

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal President Emmanuel Macron and government have been on a charm offensive  They publicly adopted Theresa May’s ‘No Deal is better than a bad one’ mantra But he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after an earlier EU summit  … Read more

Scottish Independence: ‘Loathing’ for Boris Johnson behind surge

Scottish voters’ ‘loathing’ for Boris Johnson is behind surge in support for independence: PM is disliked even more than Theresa May or David Cameron, pollsters reveal Poll by JL Partners found 56 per cent would now vote in favour of independence Results are almost a mirror opposite of the Scottish referendum results in 2014 79 … Read more

Scots voters’ ‘loathing’ for Boris Johnson sees surge in support for independence, reveals polls

Scots voters’ ‘loathing’ for Boris Johnson sees surge in support for independence: PM is disliked even more than Theresa May or David Cameron, pollsters reveal Poll by JL Partners found 56 per cent would now vote in favour of independence Results are almost a mirror opposite of the Scottish referendum results in 2014 79 per … Read more

Quick, hide! How the PM and his top aides dodged IDS… on the day he won No10 for Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s humiliating treatment of the Tory grandee who led his campaign to replace Theresa May as Prime Minister is laid bare in shocking claims in a new book. The Prime Minister apparently had such contempt for former Conservative party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith that he would do anything to avoid him – including … Read more

Boris Johnson tweets wrong Scott Morrison instead of Australian PM

Another gaffe for Boris Johnson as he means to tweet Australian PM Scott Morrison – but messages man from America with just 56 followers instead The British Prime Minister recounted a ‘great call’ with Scott Morrison today Yet the account he mentioned was not the Australian Liberal Party leader  The post remained up for 12 … Read more