Tank of petrol £20 MORE at motorway services than supermarkets

Motorists who fill up their cars with petrol at motorway services are currently being charged £20 more than if they topped their tank at a supermarket fuel station, we have revealed. With Morrisons, Asda and Tesco all lowering the price of unleaded below £1-a-litre this week, the gulf between fuel prices at motorway services and … Read more

Tank of petrol at motorway services is £20 MORE than supermarkets

Motorists who fill up their cars with petrol at motorway services are currently being charged £20 more than if they topped their tank at a supermarket fuel station, it has been revealed. With Morrisons, Asda and Tesco all lowering the price of unleaded below £1-a-litre this week, the gulf between fuel prices at motorway services … Read more

App launched to help shoppers avoid busy times in the supermarkets

App launched to help shoppers check stock availability at their local supermarkets and find places with the shortest queues during coronavirus lockdown The app was built to allow shoppers to report back on stock levels and queues If someone is in a supermarket they can ‘check-in’ to say how long they waited It lists a … Read more

Aldi, Morrisons and Waitrose become first supermarkets to ease product restrictions

Aldi, Morrisons and Waitrose have become the first supermarkets to ease product restrictions brought in to cope with stockpiling – as Tesco ramps up its home delivery service during the coronavirus lockdown. All the major supermarkets imposed restrictions this month keep shelves full after Brits panicked due to the pandemic and stocked up on supplies. … Read more

March was busiest shopping month for UK supermarkets on record up 20.6 per cent

British supermarkets raked in £10.8bn in March with sales ‘even higher than Christmas’ from 20% rise in sales as shoppers flooded stores during coronavirus lockdown Supermarket sales were the highest they have ever been in the UK during March 88 per cent of British households went to the shops between March 16 and 19  They … Read more

Now BLIND people say they have been turned away from UK supermarkets

People with visual impairments have claimed they were turned away from UK supermarkets ‘because they would be unable to stay two metres from other customers’ under social distancing rules. One man alleged he was stopped from entering an unnamed supermarket in Derby because he was ‘unable to guarantee’ he could remain a distance from the … Read more

Parents claim supermarkets have stopped them from shopping with their children

Parents have claimed supermarkets are preventing them from shopping with their children as part of a crackdown on social distancing rules. Many grocers have limited the number of people allowed inside a supermarket at once, with others asking customers to remain at least two metres apart amid the UK’s coronavirus outbreak.  Supermarkets have seen a … Read more

NHS lanyards removed from eBay and Amazon amid fears people use them to enter supermarkets

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Are supermarkets the new superspreaders?

A heartbroken son has begged people to stay indoors and obey social distancing after his mother, 87, died from coronavirus after shopping in Asda, amid fears that supermarkets could become superspreaders of the killer illness. Shoppers were pictured squeezing together at supermarkets up and down the country this morning, ignoring social distancing rules from the … Read more

Will supermarkets become the new superspreader of coronavirus?

Shoppers have been pictured squeezing together at supermarkets this morning, ignoring social distancing rules and raising fears that stores could become the new superspreaders of coronavirus. Under government guidelines, people are supposed to stay 6ft apart from others if they have to go outside, but shoppers at several supermarkets all over the UK this morning … Read more