Nothing makes a toddler feel better than a cuddle from mum or dad, study shows

A hug from mum really is the best medicine: Study shows nothing makes a baby feel more relaxed than being cuddled by a parent Hugs from mum or dad are the best way to calm a child as young as four months  Japanese researchers measured babies’ heart beat intervals – a sign of calmness  Babies … Read more

Classical music can help us perform better in exams, study reveals

Listening to classical music during lectures and throughout the night while sleeping may help us perform better in big exams, a new study suggests. US economics students who listened to Beethoven and Chopin during a lecture and again later in the night performed 18 per cent higher in exams the next day. This compared with … Read more

Women really are safer behind the wheel than men, study shows

Driven to distraction: Women really are safer behind the wheel than men and should be employed in road transport roles, study claims Researchers studied the image of male and female drivers of different vehicles Cars and taxis were linked with two-thirds of all fatalities to other road users  Authors say the biggest gender gap was … Read more

Duchess of Cornwall shares revealing ‘shelfie’ photograph showing her study as she works from home 

The Duchess of Cornwall this morning came out of a two-week self-isolation after Prince Charles tested positive for coronavirus. The royal couple have spent the last fortnight at their Birkhall residence in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, living in separate parts of the three-century-old property. The couple were reunited today just three days before their 15th wedding anniversary, this coming Thursday.  The … Read more

California’s wildfire season is likely to be even longer and more damaging in the future, study says

California’s wildfire season is likely to be even longer and more destructive in the future as rainfall continues to decrease, new Stanford research finds The team analyzed regional thermometers and rainfall gauges since the 1980s They found the number of extreme fire weather days has more than doubled  Average temperatures have risen more than two … Read more

Children that play lots of video games are more likely to be fat teenagers, study finds

Five-year-olds playing three or more hours of video games a day are MORE likely to be overweight as teenagers – and late nights and sugary drinks are also to blame, study claims Study of more than 16,000 children looked at what influenced weight gain    Found those that play lots of  video games are more likely … Read more

Coronavirus UK: NHS study suggests race may affect risk level

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Britain should pursue Beijing through courts for coronavirus compensation, study claims

China owes us £351 billion: Britain should pursue Beijing through international courts for coronavirus compensation, major study claims as 15 top top Tories urge ‘reset’ in UK relations with country 15 senior Tories wrote to Boris to demand a ‘rethink’ in relations with Beijing The world’s leading economies have been hit by a £3.2 trillion … Read more

UK death rate of coronavirus patients in intensive care tops 50 per cent, study finds

UK death rate of coronavirus patients in intensive care tops 50 per cent, study finds Study found more than half of intensive care patients died due to the killer bug   Of 690 coronavirus patients in intensive care with known outcomes, 346 died The UK’s coronavirus death toll soars to 4,313 with more than 41,900 cases … Read more

Big thighs can reduce the risk of a heart attack, stroke or high blood pressure, study claims 

Big thighs can reduce the risk of a heart attack, stroke or high blood pressure, study claims Big thighs can reduce risk of heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure Researchers found that ‘leg fat may be beneficial for metabolism’ Study published in medical journal looked at 9,520 Chinese aged over 40 By Daily Mail … Read more