Having very low cholesterol DOUBLES the risk of hemorrhagic strokes in women, study finds

Having very low cholesterol raises the risk of hemorrhagic strokes in women, a new study finds. Researchers say that women with low levels of cholesterol were two times more likely to have a stroke that leads to bleeding in the brain compared to those with average levels. Additionally, women with the lowest levels of triglycerides, fat … Read more

Trees may absorb less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than previously thought, new study says

Mature trees could be less effective at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than previously thought, suggesting Earth may be closer to climate tipping point Scientists in Australia measured the capacity of mature trees to absorb CO2 They found that while the trees absorbed CO2, they didn’t hold on to it The CO2 ended up … Read more

Coronavirus CAN survive exposure to high temperatures for long periods, study shows

Coronavirus CAN survive exposure to high temperatures for long periods, study shows — suggesting current measures to disinfect research labs are ineffective Disinfectant protocols in labs typically see samples heated to 140°F for an hour This is sufficient to kill most viruses that experts might work with, such as Ebola However, French experts found that COVID-19 … Read more

Nearly half of people in their forties show frailty indicators, study says

Nearly half of people in their forties show as many symptoms that could lead to frailty as people in their seventies, a new study reveals. Australian scientists found signs of ‘pre-frailty’ in 45 per cent of people in their forties, which was about the same percentage of people aged between 70 and 75.  Signs of … Read more

The average US home consuming 38 TIMES more data than it did in 2010 according to new study

America’s internet addiction has exploded over the last decade, with the average home using 38 TIMES more data than it did in 2020 A new report shows the average US home uses 38 times more data than in 2010 If the trend continues, most could find themselves in excess of current data caps The growth … Read more

Upper classes pretend they prefer football to hunting and opera, new study finds

Upper classes pretend they prefer football to hunting and opera… to avoid being labelled as snobs, new study finds Wealthy elite say they like pop music and football instead of hunting and opera But new research shows such claims are a pretence to appear more ordinary The analysis is by Oxford University and the London … Read more

Intrepid marine biologist Mike Gil travels to the remotest spots to study amazing creatures 

Think of a scientist and a lab-coat-wearing bod staring at a petri dish tends to spring to mind. Dr Mike Gil is a living reminder that being a scientist can also involve adventuring in some of the earth’s most remarkable and remote spots – amid some of its most astonishing creatures. Mike, 34, you see, … Read more

Legal marijuana reduces chronic pain but increases car crashes and drug overdoses, study suggests

After marijuana is legalized in a state, fewer people seek chronic pain diagnoses and treatment, but more wind up in hospitals being treated for car crash injuries, overdoses or alcohol poisoning, according to a new study.  Marijuana is now legal in the majority of US states and many see it as a win, offering better … Read more

Anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine does NOT speed up coronavirus recovery, Chinese study finds

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine did not speed up coronavirus patients’ recovery in a trial in China, scientists have revealed.  In a disappointing blow for the promising drug, which is being trialled against COVID-19 in the UK and around the world, doctors said it did not work as a cure. Patients who were taking it suffered … Read more

Study shows that cats get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs 

Cats aren’t as indifferent to owners as they seem: Study shows they get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs  Researchers surveyed 130 cat owners from Brazil about their furry friends One in ten cats were reported to exhibit problematic behaviours when left alone These included aggressiveness, depression and inappropriate defecation Anxiety … Read more