Kylie Jenner and BFF Stassie twin AGAIN as the BFFs strike the exact same pose

Kylie Jenner and BFF Stassie Karanikolaou twin AGAIN as the dynamic duo strike identical poses in coordinating outfits By Christine Rendon For Published: 20:17 BST, 5 August 2020 | Updated: 20:17 BST, 5 August 2020 She told her fans to prepare for a ‘lifetime’ of twinning snaps with her BFF Stassie Karanikolaou. And Kylie … Read more

Army Commandos and Royal Marines form new high-tech ‘strike company’

Army Commandos and Royal Marines form new high-tech ‘strike company’ given the choice of new gadgets and weapons to target terrorists and enemy countries anywhere on earth The navy is forming an elite 150-strong Commando Vanguard Strike Company The elite troops will be handed the latest tactics technology and weapons Royal Marines and army commandos … Read more

Former public school teacher, 62, is on the brink of death on day 40 of hunger strike

A former public school teacher is on the brink of death on day 40 of hunger strike over an unresolved complaint against Marriott Hotels.   John Shepherd, 62, who is on day 40 of the hunger strike, has been battling Mariott Hotels since 2008 after a car park was built next to his flat in Thailand.     … Read more

UN slams Donald Trump for killing Iranian General Soleimani in drone strike

The January U.S. drone strike in Iraq that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and nine other people represented a violation of international law, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Monday. The United States has failed to provide sufficient evidence of an ongoing or imminent attack against its interests to justify the strike on … Read more

Michael Barrymore’s attempts to revive long-running 90s game show Strike It Lucky online ‘fall flat’

Michael Barrymore’s attempt to revive his 90s game show Strike It Lucky online has allegedly flopped. The TV personality, 67, hosted the show for 13 and 209 episodes on ITV between 1986 and 1999.  And in attempt to attract former fans of the series, he has been playing it on Instagram Live in recent weeks, using the … Read more

Morning sickness term ‘should be scrapped’ because it can strike pregnant women at any time of day

Pregnancy term ‘morning sickness’ should be scrapped because it trivialises the condition which can strike expecting women at any time of day, experts insist Experts have looked into the accuracy of the pregnancy term ‘morning sickness’  A study by the University of Warwick claims the term should be scrapped The feeling of nausea amongst pregnant … Read more

Rail union warns of national strike unless 2m rule kept on trains

A rail union leader is warning of a national strike unless the Government gives ‘unequivocal assurances’ that the social distancing rules across the transport network will remain at two metres. The Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) said the Government’s own review into the social distancing guidance clearly states that public transport presents a high risk … Read more

Influencer reveals how her stunning photographs would look if she didn’t strike the right poses

An influencer has set out to shatter the illusion of perfection often found on our social media feeds by sharing less than glamorous shots of herself next to her posed photographs. Rianne Meijer, 26, from Amsterdam, boasts a 648,000 following on Instagram but believes it is unfair to only show filtered and edited versions of herself … Read more

Five cruise ships are detained in Essex and Bristol after crews go on hunger strike

Five cruise ships have been detained in UK docks after crews went on hunger strike over unpaid wages while being trapped on board amid coronavirus.  The Maritime and Coastguard Agency boarded six ships on Friday amid reports of late pay and expired contracted on board ships docked in Bristol and Essex.   Athens-based Global Cruise Lines … Read more

Scientists around the world go on one-day ‘strike for black lives’

Members of the STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — community have gone on a 24-hour strike to support the Black Lives Matter movement. The hashtags #ShutDownSTEM, and #ShutDownAcademia circulated widely on social media, as did support for ‘Strike For Black Lives’.  It received the backing of prestigious scientific journals AAAS and Nature, as well … Read more