Coronavirus UK: Elderly ‘should stay at home for three months’

Millions of the elderly and most vulnerable will need to ‘shield’ themselves from social contact and stay at home for three months from this weekend, Downing Street announced today. Boris Johnson acknowledged that ‘drastic action’ was required to quell the spread of the deadly coronavirus which has killed 55 and infected more than 1,500 throughout … Read more

Pregnant women will be told to stay indoors for THREE MONTHS to avoid catching coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

New York is turned into a virtual ghost town as people stay indoors and off the subway

New York City has been turned into a virtual ghost town as the coronavirus takes hold with the city’s residents listening to government’s advice to practice social distancing. Public spaces that are usually packed with people including thousands of tourists have been left deserted.  With Broadway shows shuttered, Times Square appeared eerily quiet, while Grand Central Terminal … Read more

Spanish police use megaphones to tell people to stay indoors or face £25,000 fines

Spanish police stepped up their operation to force people to stay indoors today, with officers driving up and down beaches with megaphones, warning of prison time and massive £25,000 fines for those breaking the lockdown – after the country’s deaths from the coronavirus doubled to 288 overnight. Footage shared on Twitter captures officers as they tell … Read more

How to care for elderly loved ones after health secretary confirms they will be asked to stay home

As Britain’s over-70s have been asked to stay at home for four months to stop them catching coronavirus, health secretary Matt Hancock has said they can still meet friends and family providing everyone is ‘fit and healthy’. Age UK has said elderly people feeling well can still carry on as normal, and go out and … Read more

London’s usually busy streets look deserted as people stay away during coronavirus outbreak

Photos of Britain’s streets on Saturday night show an almost deserted central London amid the coronavirus outbreak, but revellers still showed up for a night out in Leeds.  With the Prime Minister announcing the Covid-19 virus spread as ‘the worst public health crisis for a generation’ and urging those with symptoms to stay indoors, the … Read more

Coronavirus: Matt Hancock confirms the elderly WILL be told to stay home for four months

Matt Hancock today confirmed the government will tell the elderly to stay at home for up to four months as he admitted the NHS does not currently have enough ventilators for the fight against coronavirus. The Health Secretary said people over the age of 70 will be told to self-isolate even if they do not … Read more

Stay the f*** home! New online manifesto urges people to stay indoors at all costs

‘Stay the f*** home!’ New online manifesto urges people to stay indoors at all costs and claims governments are not doing enough to tackle the coronavirus crisis Florian Reifschneider, 29, started website last weekend in a bid to stop infection  12-point manifesto that is written in 12 languages encouraging staying indoors  Mr Reifschneider started website … Read more

Tourists to Spanish resorts are told to stay inside

Several planes flying from the UK to Spain turned around mid-flight and are heading back to Britain. This comes one day after the Spanish government announced 15-day state of emergency due to the spread of coronavirus – which has infected more than 4,000 people and caused 120 deaths in Spain alone. At least five Jet2 flights … Read more

SARAH VINE: 10 ways to stay sane at home if you’re stuck at home in coronavirus lockdown 

When it comes to self-isolation, like most people who voted Leave I have a degree of previous experience.  We Brexiteers, especially those of us who inhabit urban areas, are used to life in social Siberia. So I think I’ll be pretty well equipped to handle it. No, the biggest problem is going to be the … Read more