Washington becomes the first state in the US to LEGALIZE facial recognition for law enforcement

Washington becomes the first state in the US to LEGALIZE facial recognition for law enforcement and other state agencies A new Washington law makes legalizes facial recognition for law enforcement Agencies interested in using the tech must submit proposals to the state  The law says the tech should only be used to identify missing persons, … Read more

Child benefit claims plummet, meaning more parents lose state pension credits

The number of families claiming child benefit has plunged by 44,000 to 7.28million over a year, putting more parents at risk of a poorer old age. Parents – mostly mums – can end up tens of thousands of pounds worse off in retirement because not claiming deprives them of valuable credits towards their state pension. … Read more

NY’s daily death toll falls to 594 prompting Cuomo to suggest the state is already at it’s apex

The daily death toll in New York dipped Sunday, a sign that the state may have hit the apex of the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.  There were 4,159 fatalities as of Sunday morning – up 594 from the day before.  A record 630 deaths were reported Saturday. The numbers Sunday reflect the first time fatalities have … Read more

Coronavirus US: New York state deaths hit 2,935 after 562 rise

The coronavirus death toll across the state of New York has risen by 562 in just 24 hours, bringing the total number of victims to 2,935, and the number of infections has gone past 100,000.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed the startling new figures at a press conference on Friday morning where he pleaded with the … Read more

Parents who objected to ‘state control’ and refused to have their son vaccinated lose court battle

Parents who objected to ‘state control’ and refused to have their son vaccinated lose their court battle in a case that could have far-reaching consequences for ‘anti-vax’ movement Parents who refused to have their son vaccinated lost Court of Appeal case They flouted Birth and Deaths Registration Act 1953 and lost High Court battle Court … Read more

New York finally legalizes electric scooters and e-bikes as part of new state spending bill

New York finally legalizes electric scooters and e-bikes as part of new state spending bill, though cities will still be able to enforce their own bans The 2020 New York state budget will legalize e-bikes and e-scooters E-bike speeds will be limited to a top speed of 25mph, and scooters to 15mph  The provision will … Read more

Two married women get payouts totalling £14k after state pension blunder

Jean Hayes and her husband Richard: ‘Thrilled’ to get £9,000 payment from DWP Two elderly women have received around £9,000 and £5,000 in state pension payments they missed out on due to a government blunder. Many more retired women could be in line for payouts worth thousands of pounds, plus interest, if the administrative error … Read more

New York state coronavirus numbers soar by 9,298 to 75,795 and deaths rise by 332 to 1550

New York state now has 75,795 cases of coronavirus – an increase of 9,298 since Monday – and 1550 have died, Governor Andrew Cuomo revealed on Tuesday as he admitted ‘no one knows’ when the pandemic will end and said the entire country ‘underestimated it’.  Speaking at a wide-ranging press conference on Tuesday, Gov. Cuomo … Read more

Empire State Building’s siren display to honor emergency workers leaves New Yorkers spooked

Empire State Building’s siren display to honor emergency workers leaves New Yorkers spooked as it is looks like the city is ‘panicking’ The display on the skyscraper began at 9pm last night and will continue for crisis The lights have divided opinion, as many say it has made them feel more anxious New York saw … Read more

MI5 unveils its youngest-ever spy chief… but his true age is his state secret Number One

MI5 has appointed its youngest-ever director general – but the intelligence agency has refused to reveal the spy chief’s age.  Ken McCallum will become director general of the security service when he takes over the top job from Sir Andrew Parker next month. Mr McCallum, who led the investigation into the attempted assassination of former Russian agent … Read more