RMS Titanic: Solar flare may have contributed to the sinking of the luxury liner, study suggests

The RMS Titanic may have only taken the exact fateful course that saw it holed and sunk by an iceberg on April 15, 1912 because a solar flare threw off the vessel’s compass readings, a study has proposed.  According to a US-based meteorologist, the liner’s last night sailing the Atlantic was illuminated by the aurora borealis — … Read more

Iron on the Moon is RUSTING due to oxygen blown in on solar winds from Earth

Rusting iron has been found on the Moon and it was likely the result of oxygen being carried to the lunar surface from Earth by solar winds, a new study discovered. The oxidised iron mineral hematite – a form of rusted iron – was discovered at high latitudes on the Moon by planetary scientists from … Read more

Farmer fits his fleet of vehicles with solar panels to power the freezers

It’s an ice GREEN van! Farmer fits his fleet of vehicles with solar panels to power the freezers so children don’t breathe in diesel fumes as they queue for lollies Ice cream maker David Baker said he disliked fumes billowing from his vans So he fitted three of his vans with solar panels which power … Read more

NASA tracks ‘dent’ in Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar storms which could knock out computers

NASA is monitoring a ‘small but evolving dent’ in Earth’s magnetic field that could impact satellites and spacecraft. Stretching from South American and to southwest Africa is the South Atlantic Anomaly (SSA), which is a weakened spot in the field that allows charged particles from the sun to dip closer to the surface than usual. … Read more

Sunspot the size of Mars is turning towards Earth and solar flares could affect electronics

A massive sunspot observed on the sun is turning towards Earth and is expected to increase in size over the next few days. The area, dubbed AR2770, has a ‘primary dark core’ the width of Mars and a number of crater-size ‘spotlets’ littering its surface. The sunspot is a member of Solar Cycle 25, the … Read more

Solar powered car attempts to break world record by driving 550 miles in 12 hours 

Racing towards the future! Solar powered car attempts to break world record by driving 550 miles in 12 hours The Nuna Phoenix set off from a test track in the Netherlands this morning It must complete 294 laps and one metre to break current record of the Nuna8S Every two years the Vattenfall Solar Team … Read more

New solar cell tech could increase energy harvested from invisible light, scientists claim 

The amount of energy able to be harvested from ‘invisible light’ and used in solar cells has been given a significant boost thanks to a new technology. Scientists in Australia and the United States turned low energy light into heavy energy light able to be captured by solar cells using ‘oxygen’ as a key ingredient. … Read more

British built ESA Solar Orbiter captures the ‘closest ever pictures’ of the Sun

The British-built European Space Agency Solar Orbiter has captured the closest images ever taken of the Sun and it did so while flying between the orbits of Venus and Mercury, according to the UK Space Agency. The stunning images taken by the Solar Orbiter while 47 million miles away from the surface of our host … Read more

‘Planet Nine’ thought to be lurking in the outer solar system may be a black hole

‘Planet Nine’, a celestial object up to 10 times larger than the Earth, may actually be a grapefruit sized black hole – and a new telescope could help detect it.   Objects ‘clumping together’ in a strange way beyond the orbit of Neptune have led astronomers to suggest ‘something big’ is interfering with their orbit.   This … Read more

Salisbury Cathedral is fitted with 93 solar panels on its roof

Salisbury Cathedral has installed 93 solar panels on its roof in a bid to become carbon-neutral in the next decade. The panels will provide 33,708 kilowatt hours of clean energy to Salisbury Cathedral and reduce its carbon footprint by 11,764kg per year.  The installation of the panels, which will produce a total of 37kw of … Read more