A thrill park so deadly it had snakes in the maze – and its very own ambulance

Action Park Andy Mulvihill and Jake Rossen Penguin £14.99 Rating: As a teenager, I loved riding on any rollercoaster that guaranteed to spin me up and down and round and round 200ft in the air at terrifying speeds while my fellow passengers screamed in terror. These days, I feel woozy sitting in the front of … Read more

Tiny amphibian desperately tries to escape clutches of two hungry grass snakes as they eat him alive

Double trouble! Two hungry snakes tear a frog to pieces and eat it alive in KENT Amateur photographer Steve Young, 55, was able to capture the little frog desperately trying to escape  The carnivorous grass snakes caught hold of the frog at Oare Marshes near Faversham, Kent, on July 31 Despite his attempts to escape … Read more

Sea snakes have been adapting to see underwater for 15 million years 

Genes in the eyes of sea snakes evolved rapidly over the course of 15 million years to allow them to see underwater, according to an international team of scientists. The aquatic reptile branched away from its terrestrial relatives when it entered the sea and has been evolving ever since to survive changing light conditions, they … Read more

Markets selling bats, dogs and snakes continue to operate across South-East Asia despite coronavirus

Wet markets selling live animals including bats, dogs and snakes are continuing to operate across South-East Asia, despite the coronavirus pandemic. Shocking pictures and videos show the animals crammed into tiny cages at markets in countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and China, where the outbreak is believed to have first emerged.  One … Read more

V&A Museum director Nicholas Coleridge reveals he saw visions of snakes

‘I saw snakes as I went loonier and loonier during coronavirus hallucinations’ says V&A Museum director Nicholas Coleridge as he reveals his family were told to prepare for the worst as he fought for his life in intensive care Nicholas Coleridge said he was met with snake visions during Covid-19 battle Also said he saw images … Read more

Lethal snakes including cobras and vipers are being sold at UK pet shops due to a legal loophole

Deadly snakes including King cobras, rattlesnakes and pit vipers are being sold openly at pet shops, posing a risk to public safety, vets and experts warn. Current laws in the UK mean no licence is needed to buy snakes that’s capable of killing with just a single bite. King cobras, gaboon vipers, pit vipers and … Read more

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change

Snakes are facing extinction as temperatures rise due to climate change with some species losing 90 per cent of their habitat Global warming makes it harder for snakes to stay at ideal body temperature It also changes their habitats and can make their food harder to come by The Greek Meadow Viper will lose 90 per … Read more