Bizarre 150ft-wide sea creature with ‘stinging stringy tentacles’ spotted off the Australian coast

‘Long stringy stingy thingy’: Bizarre glowing tentacle-like creature made up of THOUSANDS of tiny organisms is spotted off the coast of Australia Creature is believed to be a siphonophore which looks like a single animal  It is thought the outer ring has a circumference of 150ft (47metres) It has stinging tentacles and is made of … Read more

5,000-year-old ornate ostrich eggs reveal a complex trading network

Decorative ostrich eggs were the ultimate symbol of wealth and influence around the Mediterranean 5,000 years ago but little is known about how they were traded.  Analysis of surviving specimens reveals the ornate eggs were skilfully crafted and featured as the focal point in a highly complex trading system in Europe, North Africa and the … Read more

Councils urged to ‘cut back on mowing’ roadside verges to protect wildflowers

It’s a joyous burst of colour amid all the doom and gloom.  With splashes of red and purple in a sea of white, this dazzling display of tulips and narcissus would be enjoyed by 10,000 visitors this spring – were it not for coronavirus restrictions forcing the garden to shut.  But instead of letting it … Read more

MIT researchers translate coronavirus protein structure into music with haunting 109 minute score 

MIT researchers use AI to translate the coronavirus’s core protein structure into a calming musical arrangement that conveys the virus’s deceptive nature as it invades human cells A team of MIT scientists have translated the COVID-19 virus into a musical score The team trained a machine learning tool to translate the virus’s amino acids  The … Read more

False negative coronavirus tests could be due to how healthcare workers are collecting samples

The US has tested more than 1.2 million Americans for coronavirus, but some have received negative results despite being infected. The coronavirus is a disease that forms in the lungs, but it sometimes sits in a cavity between the nose and throat where a swab is unable to reach. Although the RT-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) … Read more

Hackers home in on Zoom security to use flaws in bug bounties and sell them on the black market

Hackers are homing in on finding flaws in video conferencing service Zoom to cash in on bug bounties and even sell the exploits on the black market Hackers have been probing zoom for flaws in its security The exploits can be sold back to Zoom or even on the black market Increased interest has been … Read more

Director of worldwide coronavirus tracker explains why its so hard to get accurate data

The coronavirus has now spread to almost 70 countries around the world and health officials are scrambling to stop people spreading the virus among themselves. But with many patients not realizing they’re ill, and others carrying on with normal life until they are diagnosed, the fast-spreading infection is proving difficult to contain. Avoiding an infection … Read more

Brazilian reptile species named after Aragorn from Lord of the Rings

A newly discovered reptile that lived 250 million years ago even before the dinosaurs has been named after a Lord of the Rings character. The new species, called Elessaurus gondwanoccidens, was discovered among rocky deposits not far from the Argentina border.  E. gondwanoccidens is named after the Elvish name (Elessar) of Aragorn from Lord of … Read more

Trial set to test anti-malarial drugs that may help safeguard healthcare workers against coronavirus

Scientists are set to begin testing anti-malarial drugs on 40,000 healthcare workers in Africa, Europe, and Asia that could help prevent nurses and doctors from becoming infected with coronavirus A drug trial will test two anti-malarial as preventative coronavirus drugs  It will include 40,000 healthcare workers from across the world  If effective, the drugs could help … Read more