US government asks for all field research involving bats be suspended during COVID-19 pandemic

US government suspends all research involving bats out of concern that humans could pass coronavirus on and make the pandemic harder to contain US government officials have suspended all bat research during COVID-19 They fear humans could pass the virus to bats, making the pandemic harder to contain and eventually eliminate Bats are common carriers … Read more

NASA data shows air pollution in northeast areas of the US dropped 30 percent amid the coronavirus

Air pollution over the northeast region of the US has declined as millions living in the area are forced into lockdown to limit the spread of the coronavirus . NASA satellite images show a 30 percent reduction in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide compared with the same period last year. The pollution stems from the burning of … Read more

Scientists discover that ants use their memory to help them avoid pitfalls the second time around

Ants can’t be fooled: Scientists discover the insects use their memory to help them avoid traps and predators the second time around Ants usually find their way back to their nests by following trails of pheromones Researchers tested how the insects would react when a pit was dug in the trail They found the ants fell … Read more

Facebook adds ‘Quiet Mode’ that helps you regularly take breaks from the app while in isolation

Facebook adds ‘Quiet Mode’ to help users take a break from the app while they’re stuck at home during coronavirus lockdown Quiet Mode looks to help users take a break from Facebook It will focus on helping people who are stuck at home in lockdown Users can set a timer for how long they want … Read more

Amazon is building a lab to test employees for coronavirus

Americans are increasingly being spotted wearing face masks in public amid the coronavirus pandemic, as are people are around the globe. Soon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may advise all Americans to cover their faces when they leave the house, the Washington Post reported.   The agency is weighing that recommendation after initially … Read more

Coronavirus harms the brain and nervous system of HALF of severely ill patients

Coronavirus harms the brain and nervous system of HALF of severely ill patients — causing symptoms such as stumbling, slurred speech and seizures, study finds By Ian Randall For Mailonline Published: 16:04 BST, 10 April 2020 | Updated: 16:13 BST, 10 April 2020 Coronavirus harms the brain and nervous system of half of severely ill … Read more

Gorillas in Africa are ‘put on lockdown’ amid fears they will catch coronavirus 

Gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been ‘put on lockdown’ amid fears that they might also be able to catch the coronavirus. The move has seen gorilla tourism suspended for present and the closure of sanctuaries for other apes — including orangutans, which are also endangered.  While habitat loss and … Read more

British science journal Nature apologises for naming the coronavirus after the Chinese city of Wuhan

British scientific journal Nature apologises for naming the coronavirus after the Chinese city of Wuhan ‘which may have fuelled racist attacks across the world’ The science journal apologised for ‘associating’ the virus with China and Wuhan In an editorial, the publication wrote: ‘That we did so was an error on our part’  They said the … Read more

Summer WON’T curb the spread of the coronavirus, study finds

Summer WON’T curb the spread of the coronavirus: Study debunks claims that warmer weather will halt the pandemic Researchers examined the rate of spread of COVID-19 across 224 Chinese cities They compared this with local temperature, humidity and incoming UV radiation  The team found no significant association between weather and infection rates By Ian Randall For … Read more

New hope for stroke patients as scientists find way to restore mobility and touch in rats

New hope for stroke patients as scientists find way to restore mobility and touch using human stem cells to recreate nerve connections in damaged rat brain Experts transplanted reprogrammed stem cells into the cerebral cortex of rats They found that the new cells recreate lost nerve connections in the brain In six months, the procedure had … Read more