Deaf sheepdog Peggy learns sign language so she can return to work rounding up flock

Seen but not HERD! Deaf sheepdog Peggy learns sign language so she can return to work rounding up flock Peggy, eight-year-old Border Collie was given up when she lost her hearing   She was taken in by the RSPCA’s mid Norfolk and North Suffolk branch in 2018  Animal welfare manager Chloe Shorten and her shepherd husband … Read more

Miniature dachshund Frankie makes short work of rounding up his flock 

Sausage sheepdog! Miniature dachshund Frankie makes short work of rounding up his flock Miniature dachshund Frankie manages to herd dozens of sheep into paddocks Six-year-old Frankie bravely chases the sheep in Girilambone, New South Wales Charlie Rowlands captured adorable footage of the dog’s work on September 28  By Kate Dennett For Mailonline Published: 10:55 BST, 8 … Read more