US Election 2020: Arizona certifies results despite Giuliani claims

Arizona certifies presidential election results despite Giuliani telling lawmakers that votes were manipulated in a conspiracy involving Cuba, Venezuela, and ‘crooked’ Democrats Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis appeared at a hearing-style event in Arizona Monday State officials certified the results for Biden during their presentation Giuliani compared the election fight to the McCarthy … Read more

US Election 2020: Donald Trump says fraud fight not for own benefit

Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp hit back at President Donald Trump Monday after the president called him ‘hapless’ and demanded he use ’emergency powers’ to stop the state’s certified election results from going forward. Kemp, who Trump said Sunday he was ‘ashamed’ of having endorsed just two years ago, hit back in a statement that … Read more

Trump says Biden can only be President if he ‘proves’ votes are real

President Donald Trump said on Friday that Joe Biden can only enter the White House if he can prove his votes are not ‘fraudulent’ – a step back from Thursday’s admission he would cede the residence for his Democratic rival in a peaceful transfer of power. ‘Biden can only enter the White House as President … Read more

Donald Trump says ‘big lawsuit’ will prove election ‘ballot fraud’

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday crossed a historic milestone and got 80 million votes – more than any candidate in U.S. history, in an election President Donald Trump continues to call ‘rigged.’ Biden and running mate Kamala Harris’s vote total exceeds Trump’s by more than 6 million votes, and his lead as a percentage has … Read more

Joe Biden’s secretary of state pick Tony Blinken set to face questions over ties to Hunter

President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of state, Tony Blinken, will likely receive questions from Senate Republicans over meetings he had with Hunter Biden.  Fox News Channel reported Tuesday that Hunter Biden reached out to Blinken while he was serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.  Blinken was then deputy secretary of state.  … Read more

Donald Trump concedes in all but name as he caves and lets transition to Joe Biden FINALLY begin

Donald Trump took a massive step towards admitting defeat in the election Monday night by saying he was allowing the transition to Joe Biden to begin – but immediately claimed he can still overturn his defeat at the hands of voters.  General Services Administration Chief Emily Murphy told President-elect Biden in a letter that he … Read more

Michigan votes 3-1 to certify Biden’s victory in the state in another blow to Trump

The four-person split-party panel who certifies presidential elections in Michigan voted Monday afternoon 3-1 to confirm Joe Biden’s popular vote win in the swing state. The vote is yet another blow to Donald Trump’s pressure campaign to overturn the presidential election, which includes mounting several lawsuits in battleground states like Michigan. The Michigan Board of … Read more

Michigan elections board could deadlock as GOP pressure mounts to refuse to certify Biden’s victory

Michigan Board of State Canvassers Republican member Norman Shinkle could cause a deadlock resulting in a delay in certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the state The four members of the Board of State Canvassers in Michigan could come to a deadlock Monday, for what is believed to be the first time ever, which would delay … Read more

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein lists 21 GOP senators

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has listed 21 Republican senators who he says have ‘privately expressed’ their ‘extreme contempt’ for Donald Trump.  Bernstein called out Trump in a series of tweets on Sunday and named the 21 GOP senators who have expressed disdain for ‘his fitness to be President of the United States’.  ‘Many if not … Read more

National Review slams Trump’s refusal to concede as a ‘bid for infamy’

Editors of the conservative National Review magazine have described Donald Trump’s refusal to concede as ‘a bid for infamy’ in an unusually harsh op-ed ridiculing the president. As an increasing number of Republicans urge the president to respect the results of the democratic process, the editors, led by Rich Lowry, called on Trump to accept … Read more